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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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Fair 'nuff, took it the wrong way I guess. Sure sounded like you were trying to intimidate. My bad.

Thank you sir.

The point remains that while not only does arbitration have unknowns, but also the process following such.

I suppose we can all beg to differ, but the bottom line is something negotiated has knowns for all. It also avoids the unknowns following. Additionally a negotiated settlement also gives the combined group a plan going forward, as well as a unified feeling of resolve and teamwork. So I think we can all agree it would not hurt culture. Would arbitration? Who knows?
Umm yeah, 1 lead and 3 total. That why I included the (s). What is it with you? Does making other people sound like they don't know what they're talking about somehow make you feel better about yourself?

I don't need to make fun of people to make myself feel better. I feel fine. What is it with you? Are you that sensitive?

Hopefully this will be wrapped up in 7 months or so and we can move on.

3 months.
Hopefully the Trannies will pull their heads out of their butts long enough to see the forest for the trees.

I'd give anything to get a staple onto Southwest and I'm sure that if the Trannies were to vote a straight staple would pass by a wide margin. The senior AT captains are screwing everybody at both companies!
I don't need to make fun of people to make myself feel better. I feel fine.

I never said you made fun.

When you thought I misspoke you made a wise ass comment correcting me. That's a sign of low self esteem, "but you already knew that"?

Anyway, if an acceptable deal is reached on our own, great. I think it's highly unlikely based on some comments I've read here. I also think that a group of people who don't have a dog in this fight will probably bring back a fair SLI.
The fairest integration (aside from preferential interviews) would be to staple AirTran pilots to the Southwest seniority list. I predict that's what will ultimately happen.
When you thought I misspoke you made a wise ass comment correcting me. That's a sign of low self esteem, "but you already knew that"?

I made a wise ass comment to correct your tranny ass. Sure, I have low self esteem.... I didn't know that.

Anyway, if an acceptable deal is reached on our own, great. I think it's highly unlikely based on some comments I've read here. I also think that a group of people who don't have a dog in this fight will probably bring back a fair SLI.

So, you wearing your ONE LUV landyard? Whats your plan B, cus Gary's got a Plan B, C, D, E, F....
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I made a wise ass comment to correct your tranny ass.

You still don't get it, Unbelieveable. My post required no correction and now I'm a tranny ass. Try calling me that when you're jerking my gear, junior.

You're a real smart ass from behind the safety of your keyboard.

So, you wearing your ONE LUV landyard? Whats your plan B, cus Gary's got a Plan B, C, D, E, F....

I don't wear lanyards.

And there they go again...more veiled threats. Newsflash junior, they don't work.
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You're a real smart ass from behind the safety of your keyboard.

I'm a smart ass in person too.

It appears you are behind a keyboard too!
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