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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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So, every other group was different? Each group started the same way you have, and it ALWAYS lead to arbitration. Just cut to the chase and get on with it. That way, less rhetoric will come out, and you can blame arbitrators later if unhappy, not each other. It would be great if you could do it, but it is unlikely, sorry.


Pour it on.

They are all tuning out. That is those who don't have an active ignore list.

To working together guys! Cheers.
You're nervous, which is understandable. I don't speak for The General, but it seems he and I just want fairness for you guys. If you're against getting a fair SLI, then it all makes sense.


Whatever OYSterGleek......

You're a troll, pure and simple, and add nothing to the discussion.

One screen name wasn't enough to troll FI, you had to get 2?

Have a nice day......
So, why again would getting a FAIR ruling divide your group? And, also why would this not be seen as bringing the groups together, as opposed to tearing them apart with the rhetoric spewing from plenty of SWA pilots on this board? I think most of the posts from me and even The General state for you to bring down the talk of stapling, and to just go for a fair deal for everyone. Does that sound like something to divide the group? Look around at every other recent merger. Did any of them not go to arbitration? Oh, you guys are DIFFERENT. That is your problem right there, you really aren't. Every group wants to get the best deal over the other group, which isn't fair. And I think Delta had dealt with Airtran fine over the last decade in ATL, and your costs are going up, not down, in ATL, while dumping first class. Sounds good to me

I have no problem with a deal that is fair for everyone. As someone who has to work with guys from both sides for the next 24+ years I want a solution that keep creates the best possiable work environment for everyone so we can all get about the buisness of taking care of our customers. The fact is that a negotiated settlement is by nature less contentious than an arbitrated one. I expect you are right in that this will end up in arbitration but unlike you I hope for a negotiated settlement. I believe that you hope for a SWA civil war as it would benefit you as employee of DAL.
Different? Yes and no. Every airline combination is unique in its own ways. You are right in that both ALPA and SWAPA have a legal and moral obligation to try and get the best deal for their group. Both unions would like to see a staple with their group on top. We are different in that we have been fortunate enough to be very well managed. We are different in that our customers are generally happy with our service and aren't farmed out to RJ operators. Ohh and we are different in that we make money and have never declared bankruptcy.
Handeled Airtran fine? Really? DAL lost $318 million in the first quarter.
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You're nervous, which is understandable. I don't speak for The General, but it seems he and I just want fairness for you guys. If you're against getting a fair SLI, then it all makes sense.

I think you're the one that's nervous. You're nervous that a combined AAI SWA will cause further financial damage to your carrier. If you are afraid of that then your obsessive posting on a topic that doesn't affect you makes sense.

Was your post constructive ? It's a thinly veiled threat directed at your fellow employees.
Yes it was constructive to those who want to learn.

No, not a threat, just a statement of historical fact.

My fellow employee's are represented by SWAPA, not ALPA. So if you want to be a fellow employee, why not just become part of SWAPA?

The USAIR reference was just one of many past outcomes that turned out less than desired, Transtar, Muse, TWA, Pan Am, F9, and the list goes on and on.

Arbitration is a fools game.
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New Thread

OYS has started a new thread. It is his relentless pursuit of perfection .. Of what I have no idea.

Moderator ... please merge the threads. The rhetoric is too much.
Ghetto and Empennage,

Ignore the Delta Duo. They're obsessive, little, fearful men who are trying to justify making some bad career decisions. Southwestern Airways is the reason for their pathetic lot in life....gotta blame someone, right?
Ghetto and Empennage,

Ignore the Delta Duo. They're obsessive, little, fearful men who are trying to justify making some bad career decisions. Southwestern Airways is the reason for their pathetic lot in life....gotta blame someone, right?

I see your point and the good airtran folks on this board are too. It is time to work together.

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