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SWA/Airtran pilot integration thoughts, what will the new list look like?

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Hey man. Had a Delta pilot on my jumpseat that told me that. I figgered he knew.

Care to give me the facts instead of calling me a liar?


Fact: You are PFT........(just kidding):D
The #1 position went to the #1 777 cpt. former DAL. #2 went to the #1 former NWA 747 cpt. It was relative seniority all the way down to #124xx. If you were 40% on your respective former side, that's where you wound up on the combined list (+ or - a percentage or 2).
Hope that helps with facts..:)
Anybody at Aircritter that thinks a AT 2000 hire or above is going to be in left seat anymore is on as much crack as those thinking a staple is going to happen.

It ain't happening get over the crack fix. A bunch of critterboys are headed back to the right seat.

Your post reeks of someone who is about to get furloughed once again. Couldn't have happened to a nicer ****************************** bag! But the best part, is knowing you'll have to swing gear for an AIR TRAN guy or gal for the next 10 years wallowing in your misery of how much you hate them!
Eat that chuck yogurt/lawman/einstein/texas crotch rot/boris yelling/lame lizard/sky fly!!!!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh:
What gave it away? The hairy palms? Or the thick glasses?:erm:

It's not that money is valueless, but contractual hourly pay rates are not a "bargaining chip". What if SWA was the airline that paid less, should be demand your captain seats to keep our FO's making what they were making? Of course not. . . . So why would you expect to do the opposite?

We come to this merger bringing fully-utilized airplanes with a pilot in every seat. If the seniority list is made larger by 1800 pilots, but no one moves up or down in the new list, it doesn't affect you. Seniority, however, when you start messing with that, it does affect both parties, one negatively.


Yes, but one can argue that if we made half of what we do now, there would be greater growth opportunities at SWA- and hence more pilots underneath us and on our list. In fact I can think of several times when we have traded money for growth - and in many contracts in industry history: go back to B-scales- (that's how it was sold anyway)

The idea that money doesn't affect seniority I believe is a misnomer- its not everything- but it is a factor-
It should still go to arbitration and the debate left to our NCs but I also don't want you to be too disappointed if the SLI is tilted in swa's favor bc we already have a better contract than the one you hope to fight to gain- and bc we purchased you.

I 100% agree w/ the previous poster- negotiating this on FI, has no benefits- but can snowball into a serious cancer if either side gets too attached to their opinion of how this ought to go down.
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AirTran guys...Please leave these threads alone. Leave it up to the merger committees/arbitrator(s). Stop posting what you think the list will look like.

I think it'll look like this:

The idea that money doesn't affect seniority I believe is a misnomer- its not everything- but it is a factor-
It should still go to arbitration and the debate left to our NCs but I also don't want you to be too disappointed if the SLI is tilted in swa's favor bc we already have a better contract than the one you hope to fight to gain- and bc we purchased you.

I guess there are two sides to every issue (well, almost every issue). I think that recent history will show that an arbitrator will give less credence to pay and contract than seat and bidding position, but we'll see. I was wrong once before. . . . Actually, I thought I was wrong, but it turned out I was right. :laugh::laugh:

However it goes down, thanks for being a gentleman about it, either way, and I will do my best to do the same.
However it goes down, thanks for being a gentleman about it, either way, and I will do my best to do the same.

I'm sure you will little man. You're going to throw a fit going back to the right seat.

Say what you want about my last post but I'd believe it before all this relavtive seniority garbage or even staple. BTW, there is nothing saying you guys couldn't be shut down and liquidated if you don't play well. I'd take what you can get.
I'm sure you will little man. You're going to throw a fit going back to the right seat.

Say what you want about my last post but I'd believe it before all this relavtive seniority garbage or even staple. BTW, there is nothing saying you guys couldn't be shut down and liquidated if you don't play well. I'd take what you can get.

Dude. Really? I hope the SWA M&A team fights tooth and nail to get me (and you) every number they can, but something tells me they don't have a direct line to GK to turn this off in case we don't sing kumbaya with our Tranny brethren and brethrenettes.

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