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SWA-AAI Going Rogue

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Alright members.. I'm back from vacation.. First Happy new Year... and now that I have caught up on some of the threads, see some folks did not make a new resolution to be nice here on Flight INfo...

As a moderator, you guys leave me little choice in actions that must be taken.. I am asking you all to please.... please... dont' make me the bad guy.... keep your comments on topic, no personal attacks of any kind.. If you know a memberhere in real life.. DO NOT use that info to gain an advantage on that member here... It will be pretty easy to tell if you do... it will you earn you a nice 30 day suspension...

This AAI/SWA thread like the others here in the Majors section is going the wrong direction.. stay inside the TOS... The thread might just be closed if it keeps going south..

Are you saying that this forum is not real life. Is it, maybe, some sort of "forum of distorted reality"? A house of worship for the egotistical? An outlet of insecurities and desperation? Are you saying this forum is 98% filled with narcissistic,condescending,self-rightous,power hungry,control freak,envious, bitter, holier than thou, it's all about me, I've got mine-you don't deserve your's, kind of members/posters? I'M SHOCKED! If you will excuse me, I must retire for the eve. I have to go to the east wing of the house and make sure the 5 escorts are tucked in on top of my piles of cash, call the servants and let them know that when they are done parking my 7 cars in the subterranean garage, change the lighting in the fountain and waterfall, they are released for the night.OH, I should probably have them wind my big watch for me since I have to get up early to fly my really big jet. Great trip by the way, one leg to HNL..48 hr. layover, one leg back. I was just informed that the back end crew is a total new hire crew...nobody over 23! I don't know why I am so happy....it happens every week.

P.S. This is not a personal attack on any one individual, merely a startling realization and a blanket statement. Hey, did I ever tell you about the time that I was.......oh, nevermind.
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This may come as a huge shock to you, Bill, but I and the vast majority of AirTran Captains wouldn't have voluntarily left AirTran to start over at SWA.

Well since the people department will/have given the nc the names of all airtran people who had applications with swa I would bet you are slightly off on your assumption. I think you may be a bit surprised.
This may come as a huge shock to you, Bill, but I and the vast majority of AirTran Captains wouldn't have voluntarily left AirTran to start over at SWA.

I'm sure you are aware that there are several former AAI Captains who did exactly that.
I can understand that you came from the Comair Academy or Gulfstream airlines and never really understood what it is like to be a FO.

Actually, when I first joined Flightinfo, in 1996, it was to learn more about our industry and to voice my frustration at the regionals that were charging pilots for required training, and scumbag outfits like Gulfstream that were charging pilots for the "privilege" of serving as a required crew member.

So, no dice there, Sporto.

And, yes, after flying Captain on the 737 for the past 6 years, I do kinda like it, just a little. Not a crime. ;)
I can think of two. Two out of 900. That's why I said "the vast majority".

I noticed that you were unable to keep your comment neutral or fact based. Truth is you have no basis for your assertion, but I am coming to expect such hyperbole from you.

No idea or statement about the :vast majority", but I can think of 6 AAI Captains who left for SWA.

Happy New Year
They will be kicking themselves then.

I doubt it. Regardless how the SLI turns out these guys are better off having come over to SWA as early as possible. I haven't spoken to a single pilot who thinks it would have been better to stay at Airtran.
There is a list of around 75 guys on the Swapa forum that left Airtran to come over to SWA at the bottom.

Notice I said "Captains". That number is in the single digits. Out of 900+ Captains, it is statistically insignificant.

I don't think an Arbitrator would consider that sort of information, btw. That is just "anecdotal evidence".

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