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SWA-AAI Going Rogue

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Say what you want. Sure, that's it! :rolleyes:

It's actually about $11./hr difference, plus I get an awesome schedule, an easy commute, and I get to fly with my favorite CA every day.

I luv ya, man, but you're not getting my seat. Sorry. :laugh:

Pilots who are out on medical have seats?

Cool ...
Pilots who are out on medical have seats?

Cool ...

I was going to say the same thing and also quote tywebs post about getting the line he always wants and getting the days off he wants also.

It is gone. Along with a private message I sent someone with that quote. How can a post disappear?

Also ty are you out on OJI? Mine telling your date of hire?
I was going to say the same thing and also quote tywebs post about getting the line he always wants and getting the days off he wants also.

It is gone. Along with a private message I sent someone with that quote. How can a post disappear?
First, just to dispel any black helicopter theories,,, no one except the webmaster has the ability to edit your PM's. We can't read them, delete them, or move them.

Second, I remember that post too. However, I'm not sure if that's the one Ty himself edited a few minutes later and said something about it being a waste of breath or if it's another one he did that with. If you can tell me what thread it was in and the date, I'll be happy to go back and look, but I haven't seen any of his posts deleted since I had to delete the one last week where he made with a thinly-veiled masturbation reference (and yes, he got a warning for that one). That was the same day I stopped moderating SWA/AAI threads.
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Ty gets a great schedule through a combination of seniority and skillful use of the various trade tools we have available.

I'm not sure why some of you are asking if I had an OJI or what my hire date is. The answer is "no" and 2001. That's it with the personal info.
We are buying the gates in ATL and SWA can utilize them however they see fit. It will be a business decision and nothing more. After the acquisition close date the gates will belong to Southwest and will be utilized as such.

Man, I know there are some pilots who are in a state of denial, but you are operating in your own alternate reality. :rolleyes:
Ty gets a great schedule through a combination of seniority and skillful use of the various trade tools we have available.
I've heard that when people start talking about themselves in the third person they're much less likely to be telling the truth.
I've heard that when people start talking about themselves in the third person they're much less likely to be telling the truth.

I find it amusing to do so, since my real name isn't Ty, but take it however you like. ;)

Some people are motivated by money and try to max out their earnings. I do the opposite- I have other business interests and prefer to maximize my time off. I bid and trade creatively, and drop trips for other pilots to pick up. Some months, I've been able to drop my entire schedule, and then start over, picking up choice trips here and there. Of course, some times, this isn't possible, but it's like the Stones song. . . . "you get what you need".
Dude you are offically now in the gunning to replace General Lee as idiot of flightinfo for 2010, I congratulate you on your strong finish.
Dude you are offically now in the gunning to replace General Lee as idiot of flightinfo for 2010, I congratulate you on your strong finish.


You can tell me about it after SLI and we see who the idiot was, Duuuude.
I find it amusing to do so, since my real name isn't Ty, but take it however you like. ;)

Some people are motivated by money and try to max out their earnings. I do the opposite- I have other business interests and prefer to maximize my time off. I bid and trade creatively, and drop trips for other pilots to pick up. Some months, I've been able to drop my entire schedule, and then start over, picking up choice trips here and there. Of course, some times, this isn't possible, but it's like the Stones song. . . . "you get what you need".

Rumor has it you are out on permanent leave at Airtran...is that true?

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