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SWA-AAI Going Rogue

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Say what you want. Sure, that's it! :rolleyes:

It's actually about $11./hr difference, plus I get an awesome schedule, an easy commute, and I get to fly with my favorite CA every day.

I luv ya, man, but you're not getting my seat. Sorry. :laugh:

Your wrong, I am in your seat already.....the FO seat. I just want you out of mine. Don't worry I will treat you good. :)
Big Brother knows ALL the usual suspects.

Probably half of the AAI screen names aren't individuals but are a bookmark on a crashpad computer, so if some of us seem a little schizophrenic, now you know why. Hell, some of those crackpads don't even have any AAI guys left in 'em :laugh:.
Yeah, must be awesome flying CA on an MD11 for AirTran FO wages. Schweet!

I'm sure you'd be happy to be stapled . . . . at Republic. :laugh:

That's funny coming from a trannie captain. Haha, pretty much bottom of the barrel pay rates for you guys right?

Have fun sharing a bucket of shrimp at Spondivits with your new pal general lee.
Say what you want. Sure, that's it! :rolleyes:

It's actually about $11./hr difference, plus I get an awesome schedule, an easy commute, and I get to fly with my favorite CA every day.

I luv ya, man, but you're not getting my seat. Sorry. :laugh:

For the record, none of own any seat. If AT did a furlough, would Capts eventually be moved to a different seat? Would F/o's lose their seat? Of course they would...why, because you don't own any seat. The company does!!
Ty Webb I commend you for your interest in communicating your point. The longer you share your point of few, the more pilots at SWA that want to return that point right back at you. Thank you for unifying us to protect our careers. You are doing all the communicating our NC and M and A committee needs. You are single handedly providing unity to SWAPA because of your constant need to communicate over the expressed directive of both NC's and M and A committees. Thank you, I hope you have a great 2011. I know a lot of SWA pilots who are looking forward to bringing in 2011 in a different manner than you are communicating.
I recommend all my SWA brothers and sisters disengage here.

This forum is more or less a complete waste of time. Were not going to change their mind and they are not going to change ours. Additionally, none of this matters.

We have a great thing here (at SWA); from day one on property I've had an awesome time! I get compensated very well (5 yr FO = 150k range, w/ lots of days off) & I live the way I want (coaching kids, volunteering at schools, ...). My (our) future is extremely positive here at SWA!

If the hatred I read from AAI guys is what they bring, I (and many of my brethren) don't want this to go down!

(Ty, lemme help you here "does not matter what you want, GK, BOD, ... they want this." Did I cover your retort?)

The day a SWA pilot goes to work and does not want to, it'll be the tipping point for our future failure. It hasn't happened yet, but it could.

Do you think GK does not know this "culture" risk? Do you think he wants to be the guy who killed SWA?
It's actually about $11./hr difference, plus I get an awesome schedule, an easy commute, and I get to fly with my favorite CA every day.

Ty you are on 10 year pay step at AT as a Captain. The difference for a 10 yr SWA F/O and what you currently make is $3.36 when adjusted for TFP vs. Hourly rate. When you factor in our rigs, benefits, retirement you have actually gotten a raise to become a SWA F/O. Your relative seniority in seat will be about the same when you become a SWA F/O so your QOL will actually improve along with your pay. You are Welcome.

I hope you will come over happy because this is the best thing that will ever happen to you in your aviation career or it will be your biggest regret if you screw it up.
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Probably half of the AAI screen names aren't individuals but are a bookmark on a crashpad computer, so if some of us seem a little schizophrenic, now you know why. Hell, some of those crackpads don't even have any AAI guys left in 'em :laugh:.

There are a few that can be pinned on specific people. All but a couple have gotten very very quiet.
Ty Webb I commend you for your interest in communicating your point. The longer you share your point of few, the more pilots at SWA that want to return that point right back at you. Thank you for unifying us to protect our careers. You are doing all the communicating our NC and M and A committee needs. You are single handedly providing unity to SWAPA because of your constant need to communicate over the expressed directive of both NC's and M and A committees. Thank you, I hope you have a great 2011. I know a lot of SWA pilots who are looking forward to bringing in 2011 in a different manner than you are communicating.

Look, it doesn't matter the great unity of Swapa, what matters is the ruling by the arbitrator(s). SWA is buying another strong airline (not in BK), that brings a lot of GOOD things to the table. Labor unrest at AT may be a problem, but not to the arbitrators. They are looking at what each airline brings, aircraft wise, opportunity wise, etc. Both sets of lawyers will give testimony, and then it will be over. But, don't think the AT guys will be even close to a staple, or DOH. Since SWA is an older airline, I would think the top 300-500 may all be SWA, and then it will go down from there most likely relative. There will be both SWA and AT pilots at the BOTTOM of your eventual list. Your SWAPA unity means very little to the arbitrators, and they will be making the decisions. Don't get mad at Ty or anyone else on here, just laugh and move on.

Bye Bye--General Lee

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