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What gets me is that his union didn't support him- why didn't they have the conviction to say this was no big deal from the beginning?
I'm sorry I'm not "in" on this. He blew it. Stupid move. If a pilot had his kid in the cockpit working the radios, he'd be fired. The public would be outraged, and Congress would have hearings. Of course his union would get his job back. :rolleyes:

This isn't "play time" folks. We're supposed to be about "safety." Not "par-tay."

Doing this at JFK, of all places, went over the line.

You want professional compensation, then we should demand professional behavior.

Well, well, how very sanctimonious.
How is this much different than a new studnet pilot calling for take off at a controlled airport while being supervised by his instructor?

Huge. You don't train controllers in the tower cab. Generally speaking, a student pilot probably has a medical, i.e. a cert. This was basically a joy-ride for dad and his kid.

When a student pilot, or for that matter a private pilot, gets on any busy frequency it irritates the rest of the pilots out there trying to chime in.
Well, well, how very sanctimonious.

I don't think that means what you think it means.

At any rate, it doesn't apply to me. I don't condone willful misconduct. Like in 1994, in an empty J32, my captain wanted to do a barrel roll on our way into STL. Was I "hypocritically pious" then?

Pilots get canned or at least violated for similar acts all the time. No one says, "awww, how cute," and expects them to be cut a break.

I'm done here.
I grew up with a flying dad, criss crossing the country in a Senaca, doing ALL the talking on the radio at 14. My kids have all been in the cockpit of my current corporate ride and have made the occasional radio call. Not heading into JFK mind you.
Being professional doesn't mean rigid black and white adherence to the rules as much as being able to use common sense.
It's nice to see the overwhelming majority on here have a common sense view that a Father spending quality time with his son and in no way shape or form jeopardized safety is a good thing.
This case shows how 24 hour news (entertainment) has perverted our society.
I just had a small kid in the cockpit while we were on the ground boarding, I let him sit in the left seat with my hat on for his parents to take a picture. I'm sure there is some "news" person out there that could twist that into "I broke the rules and jeopardized safety".

I feel bad for the father, but also, just think how this poor kid feels.

Did you ask him if he'd ever seen a grown man naked? :laugh:

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