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Although, let's be honest. The kid is a bit of a bottom feeder. He came into work, he did the job, enjoyed it, and did it all for no pay. How can you compete with that?

He should be on "the list"
I'm sorry I'm not "in" on this. He blew it. Stupid move. If a pilot had his kid in the cockpit working the radios, he'd be fired. The public would be outraged, and Congress would have hearings. Of course his union would get his job back. :rolleyes:

This isn't "play time" folks. We're supposed to be about "safety." Not "par-tay."

Doing this at JFK, of all places, went over the line.

You want professional compensation, then we should demand professional behavior.

You, my friend, are part of the problem. This kid was not making any operational decisions...was not vectoring airplanes or commanding a climb or descent. All he was doing was being a parrot to what his father, who is a qualified controller, was telling him to say. I say great! The kid had an experience that may influence his future career decisions and may have increased the bond between a father and son. To make this into anything more than that is pure B.S.. Would it be better if the kid gave takeoff instructions in DSM?? F.ck you all who think that big city stuff is so much more important. I am completely behind the Dad who brought his kid to work and in no way sacrificed safety of airline travel in any way.
Wouldn't we all like to take our kids to our work. I thought it was cute and not dangerous at all. Heck, I have heard controllers being trained do a lot worse then that kid.

I'm in.

Straight out of our FOM. I imagine all carriers have something similar.

"The upmost care should be given to ensure
the understanding, and when necessary the clarification, of instructions from ATC."

Clearly not a great idea to have your 4 year old giving ATC instructions, but I can't believe there is an airline crew in the free world that wouldn't feel they were well within their rights to request clarification if they thought it was warranted.

No harm, no foul, lesson learned, move on.

(Yes, it really says "upmost," not the correct "utmost.")​
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Dittos to all of the above (except Hal). Having my son in the cockpit isn't remotely like having your kid in the tower cab, and what happened used to be a common thing at enroute centers. Thanks, nanny-state (sigh); Adios, amigo.
Stupidest non story of the year-
I'm in. With all the real problems, I can't believe this has become such a big deal. Who really cares who utters the words "cleared for takeoff"...Heck sometimes we take off without those magic words being uttered at all....is that dangerous?
Chill Halin,

This was stupid for him to do only because of the society we live in. You can't do anything anymore without it being a huge deal. In reality this had absolutely no detrimental effect on safety plus the kid gets to have a great memory with his dad.

It sounds like a big safety issue only because the morons at CNN run headlines like "Kid controls traffic at one of nation's busiest airports." This is disingenuous. So the general public is mislead and the FAA thinks it needs to react. So this guy gets his head on a platter because the FAA wants to be viewed as "tough" on safety issues because it costs nothing and it isn't a tough issue. Sacrificing him is basically a political expedient/public relations driven action. So no, I do not support it.
Very much agree! ADIOS!
I'm in. With all the real problems, I can't believe this has become such a big deal. Who really cares who utters the words "cleared for takeoff"...Heck sometimes we take off without those magic words being uttered at all....is that dangerous?

I can see the news now:

Breaking news! Hundreds of airliners depart every day without takeoff clearance!!! More at 11!

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