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stupid question about wisdom teeth removal

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Cut back on Starbucks for a while and that will pay for your anesthesia. ;)
I had 3 impacted and paid $230. It was the best $230 I spent this year.

Good luck dude....I am glad that little life experience is over for me.
I had all four impacted wisdoms taken out at once. Intravenous vallium and nitrous gas. Was completely awake but stoned the whole time. I can still recall the weird crackling noise in my skull. No big deal.

OTOH, just had my first colonoscopy. Very sedated and not at all awake. Better that way.
4 impacted, lots of cutting and chipping going on. I was out like a light...loved every minute of it!

As mentioned above, don't save money this way! You don't want to seem them chipping, cutting, and jerking away in there!
I don t know if it is beacuse both of my parents are dentist and they were very biased,,but my mom gave me a shot and I didnt fell a thing....the only thing that is gross is when you hear the teeth being craked out of your jaw...also dont get dry socket...it .HURTS !!
Another vote for getting knocked out!

I got my wisdom teeth out young, 14, and they were impacted. I was awake for the procedure, and it was pure hell. Cracking and chiseling away, uncomfortable, and yes even sometimes painful even with the local anesthetic. And take utmost care afterwards, or you'll get dry socket, which is painful as hell. I followed dentists orders and I still got it. The whole experience was just miserable. Missed two weeks of school over it.
Get knocked out. Worth every penny. Yes, the holes are the worst part afterward.
urflyingme?! said:
whats dry socket?

A condition formed when the scabs (blood clots) formed in the sockets either are removed or are partialy removed. This is usually associated with drinking through a straw too hard or allowing fluid to go in and out of the sockets with too much force. The result is an exposed nerve that rithes in pain since it usually is not exposed to oxygen. The exposed nerve runs from all the way around your jaw from ear to ear. You may think I'm full of $hit but both my parents are dentist and Ive been hearing this crap over and over my whole life . But anyway this (drysocket) is the reason the dentist will tell you not to suck though a straw or give blow jobs for at least a week-2 weeks.

Ehhaa why didnt I go to Dental School?? Oh ya I told my parents in H/S that I wanted to be a "rich pilot" ooops
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