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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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netjetwife said:
US Salary Study page 59 Corporate Jet Captain (right hand column)

Citation X.......................123,000

Falcon 2000 ...................120,000


Citation Excel....................94,000

Yeah and most corporate departments don't fly 5 legs a day 90 hours a month. Or how about gone 17 days a month.
Lighten up Francis ... What exactly do you want ? You're not going to have it all ... You're not going to beat the average NBAA pay, or at least not without giving up significant QOL . I don't agree with everything CatYak has to say, but on one point he's right on. The corporate flight departments have one distinct advantage, they don't have to show a profit for the company and can justify themselves beyond just dollars/cents.

You wanted the airline type schedule, we'll you've got it who cares? You admit that is one of the benefits of the job for you. It's like me lobbying the boss for every other weekend off and then being ticked-off I can never get a dentist appointment on Sat.

I think the company is definately holding out on you, but they are never going to give the numbers netjetwife is throwing around. I would think the percentages of the high might be a good starting point.
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h25b said:
Lighten up Francis ... What exactly do you want ? You're not going to have it all ... You're not going to beat the average NBAA pay, or at least not without giving up significant QOL . I don't agree with everything CatYak has to say, but on one point he's right on. The corporate flight departments have one distinct advantage, they don't have to show a profit for the company and can justify themselves beyond just dollars/cents.

You wanted the airline type schedule, we'll you've got it who cares? You admit that is one of the benefits of the job for you. It's like me lobbying the boss for every other weekend off and then being ticked-off I can never get a dentist appointment on Sat.

I think the company is definately holding out on you, but they are never going to give the numbers netjetwife is throwing around. I would think the percentages of the high might be a good starting point.

Hey, isn't there an "up" on the lot ?
Latest @ NetJets

I'm looking for some strainght poop as I have a classdate for Indoc of 20 June 05

1). Should I "plan" on a strike three days after I get there?
2). I refuse to be a scab - what about finishing taining (G-200) though?
3). What can I expect with a new contract (pay, workrules, etc.)?
Anything else that could influence my decision to give up CRJ IP job at Independence Air to go to NJ?

Thanks, Nick
h25b -

Got a dog in this fight? Nope? I didn't think so.

I noticed that you have a strong opinion of what we should be earning. Problem is - we don't really care what your opinion is. This is our fight and we're going to go after every penny we can. You sitting on this board telling us that we are doomed to failure because we have a better schedule matters not one bit to the pilots at NetJets.

I'm pretty sure they have both a corporate and a charter section of the boards here. Since that seems to be your area of expertise, why don't you jump on over there and share your expert knowledge with all those folks. Maybe some of them will actually give a rat's patoot about it.
h25b said:
Lighten up Francis ... What exactly do you want ? You're not going to have it all ... You're not going to beat the average NBAA pay, or at least not without giving up significant QOL . I don't agree with everything CatYak has to say, but on one point he's right on. The corporate flight departments have one distinct advantage, they don't have to show a profit for the company and can justify themselves beyond just dollars/cents.

You wanted the airline type schedule, we'll you've got it who cares? You admit that is one of the benefits of the job for you. It's like me lobbying the boss for every other weekend off and then being ticked-off I can never get a dentist appointment on Sat.

I think the company is definately holding out on you, but they are never going to give the numbers netjetwife is throwing around. I would think the percentages of the high might be a good starting point.

Then that's the risk they are going to have to take. Read the book 'Hard Landings" . Management surely has a contingency plan in case we strike, as has every management throughout history in this industry. That plan relies on X number of people crossing a picket -line. If nobody crosses the picket-line at Nutjets then a strike will work. 95 percent of the guys seem to be truly unified , there are some weak dicks though. I feel so bad for someone if they are scared of losing a job that offers so little.
Grizz said:
h25b -

Got a dog in this fight? Nope? I didn't think so.

I noticed that you have a strong opinion of what we should be earning. Problem is - we don't really care what your opinion is. This is our fight and we're going to go after every penny we can. You sitting on this board telling us that we are doomed to failure because we have a better schedule matters not one bit to the pilots at NetJets.

I'm pretty sure they have both a corporate and a charter section of the boards here. Since that seems to be your area of expertise, why don't you jump on over there and share your expert knowledge with all those folks. Maybe some of them will actually give a rat's patoot about it.

Well sir, obviously you've been sleeping through your own union's rhetoric because against the wishes of everyone else not to be involved you've all been doing a pretty good job of doing exactly that. First, with the single carrier lawsuit, second with the scab-listing threat for the 135 guys, and then with all of this "less-safe, less-trained, less-productive" garbage. Like I've said a thousand times, you keep double talking. Diesel says one place that he loves the schedule and then complains about it when arguing for the money. You point to the rest of the industry wanting the compensation they have, and then you go insult them all by threatening them and calling them less-safe, less-trained, etc...

I agree you're underpaid and would love to see you get a raise. But you'll get a lot farther with one consistant message that tends to garner support from the other areas of the industry.

And I don't believe you have a better schedule. It's great for becoming a Marriott Rewards member, but sucks if you'd like to raise a family. So to correct you sir, yes I do have a dog in this fight. Although unwillingly thanks you...
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oldfart said:
I'm looking for some strainght poop as I have a classdate for Indoc of 20 June 05

1). Should I "plan" on a strike three days after I get there?
2). I refuse to be a scab - what about finishing taining (G-200) though?
3). What can I expect with a new contract (pay, workrules, etc.)?
Anything else that could influence my decision to give up CRJ IP job at Independence Air to go to NJ?

Thanks, Nick

Nick -

1) No one knows right now because everything is in the hands of the three members of the NMB. Both the company and the union have been summoned to NMB headquarters in DC on the 20th of May. The two most likely outcomes of that meeting are a recess from negotiations or the offer of binding arbitration. If arbitration is offered, that's the path that will lead to us being able to strike after a 30 day cooling off period. I would plan on that being a real possibility.

2) If we are authorized a work action, all pilots at NetJets on the seniority list are expected to stop working. That includes pilots in training.

3) We don't know what the eventual contract will be. I would look at our failed TA and expect more than that. How much more remains to be seen. The company's latest proposal had guys on the 7&7 making 86K at year 5 Captain's pay. It also had no overtime, required us to pay for our health care out of that pay, had no 401K and lowered the pay rate for extended days. It was extremely regressive over what was offered in the failed TA. It shocked all of us that the offer was so bad. It also angered even the most loyal "company men" we have on property. It was an incredibly insulting offer.

Got a old buddy of mine that's on the CRJ at Indy. He was my DO when I flew EC-130s at Keesler. His name is Jim Whiting. If you bump into him, tell him Griz said hey.
h25b said:
Well sir, obviously you've been sleeping through your own union's rhetoric because against the wishes of everyone else not to be involved you've all been doing a pretty good job of doing exactly that. First, with the single carrier lawsuit, second with the scab-listing threat for the 135 guys, and then with all of this "less-safe, less-trained, less-productive" garbage. Like I've said a thousand times, you keep double talking. Diesel says one place that he loves the schedule and then complains about it when arguing for the money. You point to the rest of the industry wanting the compensation they have, and then you go insult them all by threatening them and calling them less-safe, less-trained, etc...

I agree you're underpaid and would love to see you get a raise. But you'll get a lot farther with one consistant message that tends to garner support from the other areas of the industry.

The schedule at Nutjets is fuc*ing overrated anyway. I envy the schedules of some of my buddies in corporate world. Would you rather be away from home half the year for a week at a time, or have 5 hard days off a month and do 3 or 4 overnights a month. I'd choose the latter.

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