rider12 said:As a Netjets pilot, I am on the fence concerning our current contract negotations. I agree with the union that the current pay proposal is not 100% perfect, nor is the company, (of course, what is in the real world). However, does that give me the right to adopt the so called STFD (shut the f%$ker down) attitude since the company is not offering us everything we want, ie. 190,000/yr plus tons of benefits at year 10 as a possible ultra pilot on a reserve sch.??
If you think you are not replaceable then I believe you are arrogant. I have a real problem with the STFD attitude which a certain percentage of guys are trying to promote. I believe we may have reached a point where we have replaced good ol' fashion common sense with arrogance. ie A certain group of guys are taking pride in threating those who wish to remain instructors, threating those who wish to work HARD, taking pride in calling in sick at the last minute, taking pride when aircraft break, taking pride when the pax run a few min. late which is going to cause them to run over 14hrs by 1 min., taking pride in calling in tired and leaving pax stranded somewhere. TAKING PRIDE--They may say they are not taking PRIDE in these things, trust me they are!!
As far as the Gulfstream guys go, from my understanding they are all "go to guys". Ask yourself the question----Would you want the possibility of guys that take pride in these things, because not everything worked their way, flying your Gulfstreams in and out of Rome? Answer the question using common sense. Please none of this, "If i do this the company will bow down before, kiss my feet and worship the ground that I walk upon. Dont get me wrong, these things happen, however when guys take pride in these things that tells me common sense has been replaced with arrogance.
Please, dont get me wrong the MAJORITY NJA guys are not like this.
The union desires a forensic audit of the company's books, which I have no objections to. However, if those guys with the STFD attitude have true concern for us at NJA should'nt they also request that the union do a forensic audit on how great life is outside onNJA.
I would like to see a gaurantee( names of companys and chief pilots) in which if I STFD this place, myself and my friends here will be able to click our heels and live happy ever after. So based on the companys current proposal this is what I need.
-next year around 70 plus perdiem and tip is closer to 90 if you look at the taxes. "Per diem don't count" then use it a a bargin chip!! This will be my 5th with co.
3 years from now around 86, 4 years around 95, 5years from know around 101 plus perdiem,ect as an ultra captain.
- I need a written garantee that i'll be able to make around 5000 with OT and maybe a few extended days
-I need a written garantee I'll be able to live WHEREVER I wish.
- I need a written garantee I'll be on a 7 and 7 schedule. Where they can never call me out on my days off. Out of the 7 days i average about 5.5 flying.
-if you look at the 7 and 7, 3 weeks of vacation, sick time and training, I'm productive (flying) around 18 weeks out of the year for the company.
- I need a written garantee i'll have 3 weeks of vacation in which I bid 1 week I have a block of 3 weeks off.
-I need a written garantee that I'll have a great health care plan (vision and dental) in which i pay 0 for.
- I need loss of license and medical and legal services plans put in place.
-A 25,000 dollar signing bonus!!!
- Able to order crew food whenever i want it (as long as i working)
- A written garantee they will put 50 cents for every dollar I put into my 401k.
- If i need to attend my boys baseball game on a scheduled work day can I call in sick. - corporate aviation--- go ahead try it.
- if I'm tired because i didnt sleep well last night, will they take me off the sch. corporate aviation----try it!!
If these guys can garantee me AND MY FRIENDS here at netjets, in writing, I'll be able to click my heels and find a job like this I'll adopt the STFD attitude. Until then, its just plain crazy.
Some argue, "this is war". When was the last time you were in combat and the enemy stops to offer you all I have listed above. This is not war, its called contract negotations and if you think its war I must question your concept of reality.
Some argue, " we are just trying to make this place better!!" So by taking Pride in the things i have mentioned above is that how you make something better?? Is that what you teach your kids??? I'm sorry, I was never raised that way.
Good luck to all of us!!!
OH GOD!! OK, I THINK IM OK........
AW SH!T.......
Quit trying to pretend you are one of us Bill. Get back to the table next week and give us a fair fukcing deal. Until then, shut the hell up, cause my stomach hurts now.
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