I would say that they will not be stuck in the junior bases as long as the guys that are currently sitting there. Age 65 will have less than 2 years left by the time the next new hires hit the line so with no growth we will hire more for retirements then. I am hoping for more growth sooner than that.
Hmmm...then why is my near bottom of the list friend still commuting a Central Time Zone location to OAK which he has done (not by choice) for two years.
We are a comparatively young pilot group and although the gummers checking out will create some movement it will not be a windfall that will create massive upgrades. We will probably end up slightly overstaffed after the whole integration plays out. Keep in mind we don't have DOJ approval on the acquisition yet and we may be forced to close an Air Tran city or two. I know DFW will be gone for sure.
IMHO the SLI will put anyone starting class at SWA or Tranny after the acquisition announcement date at the bottom below everybody. I can't imagine the M&A committee would spend bargaining clout on getting our 2011 new hires above any Tranny pilot that was on property prior to 9/27/10 when they have so much else at stake. You hire on now with the knowledge that we are going through an integration, you take the risk of being junior on a stagnated list. As you know being in the pool long term means nothing. Seniority starts when you are assigned your employee number on the first day of class.
I hope I'm wrong but 6 yrs in and I have moved backwards in seniority and have yet to regain lost ground.