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Southwest Airilnes Crosses into the Gray

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sounds like a bunch of good stories waiting to be told!
Purpledog said:
Just b/c some guys bought houses/boats/airplanes/women that they shouldn't have, don't make the rest of us pay for it in our golden years. Live within your means and plan for the worst.

I agree. It's all about GREED!!!

On another note, have any of the airlines looked into the increased insurance rates on their aircraft when pilots over 60 fly??

I know on the corporate side, our insurance rates rise dramatically from age 60 to 70. After 70, it's too cost prohibitive to allow them to fly.
GREAT post GearDaddy! By far one of the best I have ever seen on this subject!

The same guys crowing the loudest now ... didn't say a peep as they benefitted all these years. With thousands of young pilots furloughed and struggling to raise families, these old geezers greedily hope to benefit by changing a long-standing rule just before their retirement. I find it sad they can't think of anything they'd rather do in their last decade of healthy life than drive one of these aluminum tubes all day long.

Greed can argued to be the excuse for keeping it the same. Get them out of here so I can upgrade and make more money.

Yes, there is age discimination everywhere. There is good reason for minimum ages in many/most cases. You do not want 12 year olds driving cars. Drawing the line at 60 for pilots has no credible basis. Some have no business flying past their early fifties, be it for physical or psychological reasons.

I know that changing the rule will have some negative effect upon my own and others advancement. I favor the rule being changed because I believe that it is wrong, period.

Many of those who are being forced to retire did not enjoy many of the benefits of those who worry about waiting a little longer to upgrade.

We are not "entitled" to an upgrade by a certain date in our carreers.
Greed can argued to be the excuse for keeping it the same. Get them out of here so I can upgrade and make more money.

Exactly. All the furloughed ba$tard$ are greedy as can be.
Sarcasm perhaps

Uh, yeah. They must not have sarcasm where Chest lives. We've got thousands of pilots on the streets and these guys want to stick around past 60. They knew the rules when they got in this game. Change this rule and hiring/recalls will slow to a trickle for years to come. All the hiring at FedEx - gone. They have over 60 guys on the panel who will be looking to get back to the left seat. How about a Delta guy who took a lump sum retirement but now wants to come back? Have fun sorting that one out.

Turned 60? Go home, pop a few viagra, and step away from the controls.
I'm young (upper 20s) and face an uncertain future in the airline industry.

Maybe I'll be furloughed or be a pilot of a FAILED airline.

I save heavily now. Max out the 401(k) and my Roth IRAs, but what if my saved money has to be spent to survive a furlough or some life threatening illness in my family, etc.??

I think it would be nice to JUST HAVE THE OPTION to work till 65 or even 70. I may need to because I may not have been able to save enough for retirement.

I hope this age change happens and the higher the AGE the better.

God knows those losing their pensions need this too.


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