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Some Thoughts on the TA Situation

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Indigo said:
My impression is that many married couples think of themselves as a single unit... probably why I have never been married, LOL. Therefore I don't find Netjetwife out of line in this method of thinking.

However, I do find it a little odd that in this day and age that Netjetwife just assumes it's the husband working at Netjets with the wife supporting him at home.
I do NOT assume that, and I know that it is NOT the case. As I have said in an earlier post, the fact is there are not any men in our online support group, and I don't personally know, or have even spoken to, any husbands of female NJ pilots. Therefore, I only report the viewpoints of those that I can safely/honestly pass on. We have one female pilot in our gateway that I have sent emails to about our get togethers. If she is married and I meet her husband, I'll be sure to include his opinion in my survey of families.
netjetwife said:
CatYaaak, It's a good thing I own boots, because one needs them to ......QUOTE]

.....dance in the cages at those WB effigy-burning picnics?. Well, you certainly have my support.
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Griz said:
Hey LB,

Let me give you a hint about CatYaaak. His posts are worthless and not even worth reading. All he does is bash NetJets pilots. He's not a fractional guy so there's no reason for him to even be on this board. Don't waste your time with him.

Here's how to deal with the yakster..

If you open up his public profile, you can add him to your ignore list very easily. After that all you get is:

This message is hidden because CatYaaak is on your ignore list.</SPAN>

I haven't missed him for even a nanosecond since I did that. Sooner or later, he'll give up because no one argues with him because they don't see his vitriol.
Ha, I knew that sooner or later I'd smoke you out Griz! But thinking you need to hold such a strong, knowledgeable woman's hand through the ignore process....isn't that a bit patronizing?

But to lie to her about me! For shame! I never bash NetJets pilots, and have always, ALWAYS said I hoped they get a raise, NetJetsWife included. Is it "vitriol" to have simply related the facts of history regarding fractionals since they led to the current predicament (you can learn from history), and try to convince anyone interested that the best way to raise salaries in the bizav world is to NOT take a job that pays crappy in the first place?

It has a more powerful effect than any union. Walking away from job offers like that gets their attention, but accepting it is voting "Yes" to what management has offered, and mngmt has a memory for those things. The process has worked in the corporate world for years to help a rising tide...it SHOULD work in the frac world.
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netjetwife said:
I don't personally know, or have even spoken to, any husbands of female NJ pilots.
OK, so maybe there aren't so many. I know of one and I don't think she's married. I really do respect your POV, it's just that reading your many posts about wives and families seems a wee bit of gender stereotyping, especially coming from another woman. ;)

And Griz, like CatYaaak I'm not a fractional pilot but this is a public board. I read the Majors and Regionals sections too although I don't work for either one of those. I do it for the same reason I like to read the editorial pages in the newspaper. I'm interested in what people think, even if it's not the same as me.

At one time I had a passing interest in NetJets and other fractionals which is why I started reading here to begin with. I think I'll stay where I am for now, though, because through what I've read here I realize I make about the same amount of money, if not more, for much less flying and being out-of-town.
Griz said:
What's cooler about this whole ignore thing than I originally thought is that I get to imagine what his post was like.

I have to tell you though, where he talked about giving up posting on this board and wearing his Mother Theresa costume full time did freak me out. Good luck at the convent Yakster!
Griz, just like what I said about frac pilots, you keep getting things confused. It wasn't me in a Mother Theresa costume going to a convent, it was your sister in a Catwoman suit, and I was gonna save her from joining a nunnery.

Can you save Griz too? He's committing political suicide!

Maybe he should be just committed!
Griz said:
I just think it is pointless to sit and argue with guys like Publishers and CatYaaak that have no desire to work in this or a similar industry. Why should I care what they think when they aren't ever going to be doing this for a living? The answer is, I don't. Free country..they can post..I can ignore.
Nice attitude. Your propensity to "ignore" that which you don't want to hear comes as no suprise....it's what got you to where you are now, and you share it with others who came along before you. You ignored those of us who had been around long enough who told you NOT to ignore the PFT/training contracts and lousy pay when deciding whether or not to work there, because until you came along flying under those terms was reserved for the rare, fly-by-night, revolving door charter outfit. Nah....you knew better.

But everyone there, including you, knowingly gave away the Salary Store in return for something; flying jets, a schedule and gateways, an easy transition from military into civilian flying, or in your case as you stated elsewhere, to "gain experience flying glass". The reason corporate pilots didn't flock to join EJA/NJA because of the low pay...what you did see were lots of more-poorly paid regional pilots and ex-military doing it for pragmatic reasons. Now however, just like then, we see a lot of them/you neophyte-turned experts loudly complaining about what others told them not to ignore.

Your assertion that because someone isn't working for a frac means that they have nothing constructive to say is no different than someone proclaiming that the advice "Don't walk down dark alleyways in seedy neighbourhoods" is worthless coming from someone who has avoided getting mugged, yet the same advice coming from him is somehow unique and "enlightened" because he did indeed walk down one, and somebody stole his wallet.

It's funny when you act all indignant-like with the whole "ignore" thing. This is a public message board for public consumption, and you know it, so get over it. It gets ridiculous, however, when you begin challenging people like NJA Owner to "prove" themselves to you, even going so far to imply that others won't pay any attention to their opinions until they've subjected themselves to some kind of Griz Vetting Process to establish their bona fides to good 'ole Griz's satisfaction.

I can appreciate you wanting to clean up that seedy alleyway, and I hope you're successful, but it's your own mess you helped create and perpetuate by walking down it, so excuse some of us if we don't find the sound of your loudest Righteous Cause Trumpets and their banners (ie. the ones that read "Fighting corporate greed", "Gee the kids are on food stamps", and the "The Owners can afford more") that rallying.

Go shoot at DVDs with your buddy!

See where that gets you!
Hawkered said:

Go shoot at DVDs with your buddy!

See where that gets you!

Cute, take someones personal problem and ridicule them.
I'm sure if you couldn't hide behind the anonimity of this board you wouldn't be so bold.

What a cowardly post.

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