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Some Thoughts on the TA Situation

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Warren Buffet/ Berkshire Hathaway has opened up the books to unions in the past to demonstrate that he was negotiating in good faith - did he do that with the NetJets union negotiators?
Berkshire Hathaway did NOT open their books, however NETJETS did. This is all quite amusing though, considering the shell game that NETJETS and its subsidiaries fall under. NJI, NJM, NJE, NJME, NJA just to start. The MEC saw the books, signed the confidentiality agreements, and they came back with the company line: "the company is poor, can't afford to pay what you want." Where did the money go? NJI gulfstream orders, NJA G150, G200 orders ($4 billion dollars), NJE (expansive growth) the purchase of Marquis (our former 135 marquis card distributor (see first season of Trump's "the apprenctice"), just to start. Not to mention squandering millions on "operational" costs with mid and high level management (we have 42 vice-presidents at Netjets Aviation alone). Starting to get the picture, Skygirl? You are correct in what you say about our Union and MEC. We aren't happy with them. And they are GONE. By the end of the month, they will be gone, as will our local shortly after. We will remain in the Teamsters, under our own local. Once that happens, get ready for a new round of negotiations. Probably AFTER 91K comes into effect (Feb '05). Most Netjets pilots agree the TA is no good, and most are willing to wait another few months for a better shot with the ball in our court.
News flash about this "broke" company.

I just now received--from FedEx--my BOOMERANG salespitch DVD. I call it a boomerang because I had refused it last week when they first sent it out! Overnight delivery then as well. How can anyone deny, that this company IS attempting to SHOVE the TA down our throats??? And that they DON'T waste gobs of money on bogus things??

I personally spoke to a pilot in our gateway who had complained about the waste he was seeing, only to be told not to worry about it that "the company has deep pockets". This pilot also happens to be a CPA AND CVA (CVA is the next level above CPA--they verify and analyze the books) who had offered his services to the MEC and was furious that they had used an economist (think general theory) instead! To put it into perspective for me, he sited a job he had, as a CVA, done for a bar and grill--he worked on their books for 11 DAYS. The economist spent ONE DAY going over the company's financial information!
Customers can and will be impacted.

It's just common sense that labor problems bleed over into other facets of a business. Pilots will stop pushing themselves when they're not feeling their best. They will DNIF at the slightest excuse. There will be no more going above and beyond the call of duty--a practice that has helped to give NJA its glowing reputation. Low morale does have a way of making itself felt in the changed atmoshere on a job site, and in the case of frac pilots, that job site includes direct interaction w/the owners. The company knows this; it's common knowledge. They have a vested interest in seeing things return to normal, too.
njfltcnter said:
You're right that there is a section of the pilot group that goes above and beyond. And it's always to cover the shortcomings of their fellow crews.
Right there you just removed all doubt about whether or not you are either a management stooge or an MEC member trying to push the "best TA possible". You obviously know NOTHING about pilots.

BTW, I don't work for NJA....but I do know many NJA pilots, and meet a lot more of them on the road every day...and even from my perspective, it's easy to tell exactly what you are. When will you guys learn that you don't help your cause when you spew outrageous nonsense?
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It happens more than you think!

One of the wives in our Online Support Group filled us in on her situation in her first post. Money is very tight for them since her husband hurt his back LOADING LUGGAGE and is currently on disability. His surgery is scheduled for later this month. My husband comes home w/aches and pains all the time. It happens.
How a guy can "hurt" himself moving bags is hard to explain.
Obviously you've never worked a day of hard labor in you life. Watch it that you don't burn your lips on your coffee. Go down to the "netjets cafe" and look on the wall. You will see a large board with accidents and on the job injuries. Pilots top the list on a monthly basis, ABOVE mechanics, FAs and certainly any flight center personnel. Come join me on the next PGA tour, I'll have you throwing golf bags, love to see how you feel after a week of that.
njfltcntr- once again a fine example of how somebody upstairs has no idea what we do on an every day basis. Sure they have that pretty pilot's liscence but that's about it. Of course they think they know our job since they've flown a couple of times.

You have no idea about sweating to death while loading 4 pro golf bags and then trying to get the rest of the luggage in the plane. Then the owner tips the line guy when your done.

How about spending the morning trying to unscrew the screwup from upstairs that told the owner we can go out of HTO wet.

How about trying to figure out how to get to the hotel when there is no cab, it's 3am and you've got a nice 10hr turn.

My back hurts after every week on tour. Thankfully i've been lucky that I haven't blown out my back like some guys I know.

So enjoy your airconditioned office, the netjets cafe, and being able to sleep in your own bed at night.

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