I spoke with JB today to see where we stand with stop loss. She mentioned it looks like all the stop loss people will be in the July 15th and part of the next one. She said there is a chance I would make the next one but for sure the third one. Looking at the list that makes sense to me as I'm number 27 with some stop loss gaps above me. I hope she is being conservative in her guess, seems most people in the past have gone a class earlier than her prediction.
I called JB for my monthly check-in today and she left me a message.
"Nothing new to report. The July class is the only class planned for right now. The classes would have to be pretty regular for you to start this year."
Now I am #71 on the list in case you have not memorized the list by now. That however, was not the news I wanted to hear. I am running out of body parts to cross right now. Is the pool getting deeper or am I getting tired.
I always try to be a little optomistic. So with that being said...
I got a SWA letter today with another Texas NDR form that has to be notorized and sent back in to Jan Ruley. I don't know if it is a form letter or not but it said to please redo the form as "The Texas Department of Public Safety is currently trying to locate your original request."
The good part is the beginning of the letter as it reads as follows... " Thank you for your continued help in updating your background information. As a precautionary measure, I would like to re-request your NDRR. I understand you might have filled out the included form, please help me by filling it out once again and have it notarized. To expedite mailing, please FEDEX!!! it to the following address....We would like to have this background information complete in the event a new hire class position should become available.
I am #49 or so at last look. Why the Fedex request unless something was going down?????? Anyways if you are number 200 and got this same letter, please keep it to yourself and let me dream.... Anyways everybody stay positive.... It'll be here before you know it!!! I can hardly wait!!
As you know I'm still in the diving board range (now 115 and the number keeps getting bigger every time it's updated, of course)
(say, isn't seniority supposed to move things the OTHER direction, you know, your military left?)
Anyway, I sure didn't get any kind of NDR form to be F-worded (you know, that freight outfit that everyone #114 and up should apply to) so either they don't like me anymore in DAL or maybe you are getting closer.
P.S. You really can have my trip that starts at 0600 tomorrow if you want it...
I too got the letter on Sat. Since I live in Dallas I hand delivered it this morning (Mon). I'm curentlly 67 on the 7-5-02 Pool List. I'm going to pretend that it's good news even if it's no big deal.
For you fellas that got the NDR letter, did you also get the "paperwork updates" a few weeks ago? I sent all my updated paperwork in, and have not received a new NDR form though.. I think I'm in the 70's on the list..
Gee guys and girls, sure is gettin' HOT here in PHX.... thank goodness I am tredding around in this wonderful pool.... since I may be in here a while(#86), according to all of the GREAT rumors flying around today, would somebody please pass the sunscreen???
SO - either my stuff is really current, or I am SO far away from the steps in the shallow end that JB has not even looked at my file!?!?
SUre would be "fun" to speculate about what, why, how, when, whever.... but I guess I will once again count my blessings to be #86 -
I hope that all of you who have MULTIPLE job offers choose carrier "B" - perhaps a few more SWA "CPT Millionairs" will go for the early retirement path..... anyone who would like to get their wrinkled, pruney bodies OUT of "our" pool - I wish you all of the best with your future careers - really - good luck!!! the ladder is right this way... go ahead... here I'll even give you a boost, would you like to borrow my towel??? Here, take my sunscreen..... would you like a pina colada???
Have a GREAT day everyone - Thanks again to whomever put this forum together.... it has done WONDERS for my poor, bruised, impatient psyche!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you - C Ya
I agree, without this forum I would be either ignorant of everything (but calm and cool) or I would be ingnorant of everything (but a babbling idiot). Who knows, I may be both already. Tredding, I'll take the push, the towel, your sunscreen and two pina coladas if it'll get me out of here. Later
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