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SkyWest voted no ALPA

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Last time I check a 744 carried about 100 more pax than a 772? Why is does everyone have their panties in a bunch over SkyWest who pays their pilots more to fly the larger RJ's? I think it's time to look at mainline. Last time I check, a 757 type came with the 767.

Well we feel the same way as you do when Skybus captains fly 130-150 people for 65k.

Skywest pilots fly the 700-900 aircraft for pretty much 50 seat rates. Thanks for justifing to SKYWEST magt. that I need a pay cut or they will just transfer aircraft to Skywest.

Skywest pilots have what they do because of us! Your welcome from ASA and Comair ALPA guys !
I've worked for both ALPA and Teamsters.

I never got denied FMLA. It was negotiated in our contracts to go by Duty Time.

Why would they bother congress with this when we already have it in the contracts?

Non union loser.

A few airlines have decided to interpret this law differently than the original intent. Alaska is one of them. Alaska has been denying pilots FMLA leave for quite some time now. Most contracts simply state that the company is bound to the FMLA laws as written on the date of signing. The contracts don't actually specify how to interpret that law. If yours does, then your contract is the exception to the rule. So, with the interpretation in dispute by certain airlines, then it's up to ALPA to get congress to change the law to clarify the intent.
The major airline MEC's need to negotiate with their individual companies a policy that non Alpa airline pilots do not qualify for interviews. I guarentee the Skywests and Colgan weenies would then think a little harder on how they approach this issue.

Here's a suggestion.
Some of the Skywest pilots have documentation of a yes vote if they voted with their cell phone. If the right number shows up on their bill at the right time then you know they voted. After all, SAPA/management told the pilots that the best way to vote no was not to call at all. Might be a good way to identify some but not all of the pro-union guys. It would suck to see the 1/3 who voted get grouped together with all the other losers.
Last time I check a 744 carried about 100 more pax than a 772? Why is does everyone have their panties in a bunch over SkyWest who pays their pilots more to fly the larger RJ's? I think it's time to look at mainline. Last time I check, a 757 type came with the 767.

And a 757 comes with different pay rates than an 767. Take CAL who flies the two types as a common fleet, each aircraft pays differently. "Soft Time" for training, vaca, and the like is based on a blended rate computed on the number of aircraft in each fleet.

Your 772/744 example, the only US carrier that matches is United, who pays a single "widebody" rate for both aircraft. That rate is calculated with the knowledge that the 74 is bigger, for negotiation purposes a sort of blend is figured. UA's 777s vary in capacity, but on average they have 84% as many seats as their 744. The next step of capacity reduction, to the 767, is about 83%, and one finds a new payscale.

The 50 seat RJ has only 67% as many seats, and the rate for that aircraft was not negotiated with larger aircraft in view. Heck, it wasn't negotiated at all, just imposed with a member vote for eyewash purposes. Much like putting a dummy temperature knob in front of an FA, it makes 'em feel content.

Saying that mainline doesn't consider aircraft size in the way SkyWest did is preposterous.
I think the 65% of skywest pilots that voted it down, don't want to go to a major. They want to make skywest their career. At least thats what I hear from most. I think its safe to say 65% of the skywest group are not appling anywhere else.
And a 757 comes with different pay rates than an 767. Take CAL who flies the two types as a common fleet, each aircraft pays differently. "Soft Time" for training, vaca, and the like is based on a blended rate computed on the number of aircraft in each fleet.

Your 772/744 example, the only US carrier that matches is United, who pays a single "widebody" rate for both aircraft. That rate is calculated with the knowledge that the 74 is bigger, for negotiation purposes a sort of blend is figured. UA's 777s vary in capacity, but on average they have 84% as many seats as their 744. The next step of capacity reduction, to the 767, is about 83%, and one finds a new payscale.

The 50 seat RJ has only 67% as many seats, and the rate for that aircraft was not negotiated with larger aircraft in view. Heck, it wasn't negotiated at all, just imposed with a member vote for eyewash purposes. Much like putting a dummy temperature knob in front of an FA, it makes 'em feel content.

Saying that mainline doesn't consider aircraft size in the way SkyWest did is preposterous.

Whew... Lots of math. Too much for a lowly SkyWest pilot.

I know that I get paid a 66-76 rate with the BHO that is bigger than what I get paid if I fly the 50 seater. Sounds close to every regional out there... only my pay rate is bigger than 3/4's of the other regionals.

Our 99+ seat pay rates are not bad at all either.

We have been losing bids to ExpressJet and Republic... I SAY THEY ARE UNDERCUTTING US!!

Let NO MAJOR AIRLINE EVER HIRE A REGIONAL PILOT!! They fly the old 737 routes on their barbie little RJ's for less pay and fuel burn!!
The majors (ALPA unionized and all others) should only hire flight instructors that have never flown for an airline that has ever "competed with", parked at an gate that they used to park at, or ever been painted like their airplane with "express/connection/connect/etc" painted on the side.

That is the only fair solution!! Whine away! And pull your heads out! We all look out for our careers, and the careers of all pilots whether they are union or not. It is just some of us are smart enough to see the big picture and not just what we read in ALPA's magazine. ALPA is a sinking ship... GOOD RIDDANCE to all who ride it down.

P.S.--- STOP with the SCAB talk. It makes you sound like an idiot!

I know a few United furloughs who are working at Southwest now. Flying the same airplane on the same routes for MORE PAY for a rival airline without United's union. They are undercutting their "brothers"!! SCABS!!! WE MUST UNITE!!

Idiots.. Look at the big picture. Unity is key... the ALPA business is not.

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