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SkyWest TA passes...

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I have talked to my friend at Skywest and he says he feels "sucker punched." The United deal was already signed, just waiting for labor cuts. They were lead to believe that without the cuts the United deal wouldn't go through. This is just a classic move by management. He said he was one of the "no" votes, but still feels sick. I don't blame him.

Bye Bye--General Lee;) :( :cool:
maddog805 said:
Keep telling yourselves that. Sounds like a bunch of WEAK excuses to me. Oh and we didn't take a pay cut.

Sounds like a serious undersell and a *CAVE IN* to me. It is, in effect, a pay cut (assuming you ever get the airplanes in question, of course).

All I can say is that CHQ has raised the bar on every contract its pilots have agreed to. I'm proud of that.

How the heck did we get on this tangent? The point is, everyone has a responsibility to make things better for those who follow. I think you FAILED.
megreene said:
To all the Skywest guys:

Thanks guys, you really help everyone at CHQ out. Why pilots will always accept the idea that what they do is not worth what they are paid for is a mystery to me. I tend to think that when someone who has the lives of others in their hands daily, that paycuts should not really be an issue. But I guess others with lesser convictions feel that their services are for sale to the lowest bidder. Good job guys! You just did the industry a great disservice.


...now where is that beer...

Whatever..................something about living in glass houses and throwing stones.........................

AF :eek:
just to set the record straight. Yeah we were not the best on time airline. YOU don't fly out here where thunderstorms are the order of the day for 6 months out of the year. Being from SLC I know what kind of wx is out west 90% of the time. If we were flying on that side of the country and you were on this side, I can assure u the numbers would be exactly the same, except YOU would be here getting the delays and WE would be on time.
That's fact.
You guys all beotch,

Isn't the real bad guy here the american consumer? Its the wal-martization of the world. No one cares if they are in a 37 or a rj, just as long as they can pay less. I think for what skywest did, we are still near the top on pay with our 50 seat pay in the 70 seat category. Think what you want, but we will see what happens 18 mos from now. Believe you me, our company doesnt want a union, and if we feel they arn't playing fair, thats exactly what they get.

Im out


In 18 months all of the regionals will be asking for it or doing it. Your management will look you right in the face and say, "If we don't continue to do it, Mesa will take our place. We're sorry, but it must stay. By the way, what time is it? I have to go to the huge Management bonus party at the Hyatt. We all have huge suites with pools and non-alcoholic champagne in every room!!"

18 months gives them enough time for the other airlines to make the same changes. Didn't they try to make it seem that you would lose the United contract if you didn't vote yes, and then this morning at 7am they say they have an 11 year contract. Wow, that was fast work---the lawyers must have been up all night!!!

Bye Bye--General Lee

:cool: :rolleyes: ;)
Skywest: they hoped and bragged that they were the "Southwest of Regionals" well, now we all know for sure that they are the "Mesa of Regionals".
just to set the record straight. Yeah we were not the best on time airline. YOU don't fly out here where thunderstorms are the order of the day for 6 months out of the year. Being from SLC I know what kind of wx is out west 90% of the time. If we were flying on that side of the country and you were on this side, I can assure u the numbers would be exactly the same, except YOU would be here getting the delays and WE would be on time.
That's fact.

Really? What about DFW, DEN, SLC gets it's share, we DO fly in FL, TN, LA, KS, OK, NE, MT had some impressive TS the other night, blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah we DO deal with flow to LAX and EDCT to SFO, low wx in SEA and PDX, etc. What a lame excuse.

hellas said:
Skywest: they hoped and bragged that they were the "Southwest of Regionals" well, now we all know for sure that they are the "Mesa of Regionals".

SAAB 340 huh? How much longer on that contract over there at Eagle? The mesa of the regionals for not taking a pay cut. You guys are tools. Dont eagle pilots have to pay for the jumpseat?? Whatever dude...

General, there is alot of bad noise about the timing of the announcement, and a union may be on the way. Im playing a wait and see, management has always been good in the past to this pilot group, so im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If its the same song and dance after 18 mos, and the industry is rebounding, i think you will see some shaking.

Folks, chill out...

I for one have had enough of the Chit-Talkers bashing SKYW on here. You guys /gals are not even in the same league when it comes to pilot compensation/benefits. For starters hows your duty rigs? how about 100% pay for WX cancel, OPS cancel, MX cancel etc. Do you have 100% pay for all deahead time? Actual block pay? Hows your 401k match 100% I hope? Any profit sharing being dumped into your 401 at the end of the year?
Hows the monthly garuntee for you over there? I could go on
but I know the answers allready. We have held this bar up for you for quite some time thank-you. I suggest you sit down and look at your own selfs before going of half-cocked.
I hope your new contract will measure up.

Voted NO and feeling a little queasy!

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