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SkyWest TA passes...

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surplus1 said:
While I agree with what you wrote, do not overlook that SkyWest was not the first to rush to unneeded concessions.

It was Air Wisconsin that first gutted the best regional contract in the business, with the advice of none other than the ALPA. Additionally, ACA has a TA on the table, which is also being recommended by their ALPA National advisers and their MEC, which passed it unanimously.

I think the SkyWest pilots have made a very bad mistake, but they are certainly not alone in doing so.

Surplus, it wasn't my intention to single anybody out. I don't often agree with you, but your analysis is dead on with this issue. Skywest was my focus, because somebody brought my company into this and refered to us as bottom feeders when in fact we intend to help right this sinking profession. If that doesn't happen, then I'm outta here for corporate flying.

Anybody that takes concessions right now, unless they are staring down the BK judge is doing a disservice to our profession. Skywest did this for growth, not for economic necessity. With how inadequately we are all compensated for the revenue we produce, this is nothing more then sophisticated whoring.

Do you guys remember two years ago when we were all saying that the days of poverty at the regional level had to end? We realized that RJ changed the game and we had to stop the new B scale invasion amongst our ranks. We were all game to go get 100/hour for capt, real retirement, and real work rules. Comair started the ball rolling, but it has been grinded to a hault by those who have no respect for themselves.

Now many of us seem to be scared little boys who are afraid to stand-up for what this profession should be worth. If it is mainline flying then you should shoot for mainline pay! Does connecting markets like DFW-LAS or SLC-MCI really seem like flying that is done by Skywest because each is 'a long thin market that can't support mainline cost structure?'

Going backwards now, while the economy is shaking off its slump, does nothing but set us all back a decade. If you are all that happy with your job/lifestyle that you are willing to accept concessions on current regional pilot contracts, then I fear our respect level in the future will always be that of a bus driver.
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"It was Air Wisconsin that first gutted the best regional contract in the business."

I don't know what you consider "gutted" but giving up a few dollars a month is not gutted to me. We still have better work rules then some bigger national airlines and most regional airlines.

This whole mess was started long, long ago. Mesa, Skywest, AWAC and the other national and regional airlines did not cause the downturn in the economy but everyone here is blaming them for it.

To all the Skywest guys:

Thanks guys, you really help everyone at CHQ out. Why pilots will always accept the idea that what they do is not worth what they are paid for is a mystery to me. I tend to think that when someone who has the lives of others in their hands daily, that paycuts should not really be an issue. But I guess others with lesser convictions feel that their services are for sale to the lowest bidder. Good job guys! You just did the industry a great disservice.


...now where is that beer...
It is not SkyWest's job to help out CHQ. It's CHQ's job to help CHQ. That's the way it is and always will be. If SkyWest pilots would have voted the TA down do you think that CHQ management would have caved into your demands or come to you with a better proposal?

It would be great if all the airline pilot groups would get together and come up with a min. contract that everyone could stomach and vote yes to. That will never happen. So, it is every airline group for themselves. It sucks. It's getting old hearing that every new TA passed is lowering the bar. Sh_t happens and it happens to pilots a lot.

It's the job of everyone in this industry to help this industry, from SkyWest to CHQ to Comair.

Whatever happened to professional pride or just simple dignity?
of course this passed

this is the same pilot group with it's corporate culture that flew their first RJs for brazilia pay, or has everyone forgotten about that.

it was and is simply their turn to take a bite out the $h!t sandwich.

Air wisconsin did
ACA will
Chataugua will
mesa didn't have too

everybody else will that wants play the game in the extremely copetitive market, that we choose to work in.

if you really think your company is better than that company or the next, Get Over It. you and your company will eat the same sandwich.
Perhaps if people had stood up for themselves like Comair did then it wouldn't be necessary to eat anything but Sirloin Steak Sandwiches! The Domino Theory in action.
Skull-One said:

Whatever happened to professional pride or just simple dignity?

Which is something CHQ NEVER had. Show me your rates; when they are greater or equal to SkyWest's I will humbly apologize. Until then, don't throw stones....especially if you work for chit-talk.

Whatever, dude. Our contract is a cycle behind everyone's and was written when we were flying turboprops. We're d a m n e d sure not going to bend over and take a pay cut without a fight, unlike you. Roll over. Sit. Play dead. Good boy.

*rolls eyes*

I shall also be the first to admit that money is not everything. Working for less isn't a bad thing if you have the work rules to counter it (a la TWA).

Raise the bar, don't lower it. DUH.
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Skull-One said:
Whatever, dude. Our contract is a cycle behind everyone's and was written when we were flying turboprops. We're d a m n e d sure not going to bend over and take a pay cut without a fight, unlike you.

Keep telling yourselves that. Sounds like a bunch of WEAK excuses to me. Oh and we didn't take a pay cut.

I shall also be the first to admit that money is not everything. Working for less isn't a bad thing if you have the work rules to counter it (a la TWA).



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