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That has absolutely nothing to do with it. Just because upgrades are 24 months now at SkyWest does not mean they will not be at ASA or Eagle levels someday.

This industry is cyclical. SkyWest is at the top of the heap right now, but may or may not be 5 years from now.

Actually, that has everything to do with it. We're not talking 5 years from now we're talking today. If in 5 years from now SkyWest has 10 year upgrades you can expect higher per hour wages. You don't demand pay for what your airline may or may-not be doing 5-10 years from now. Regionals are paid out on PRESENT DAY contracts from the majors.

You accept job contracts that give your company a profit margin today and change that contract as the business changes. If SkyWest had ComAir's hourly wages, they'd be harder pressed to generate profits because, overall, you're paying employees WAY more with quick upgrades. I'm sure everyone is familiar with Horizon's long upgrade yet very high hourly wage. You can't honestly tell me they'd be paying those wages if they had 12-24 month upgrades.

And please, let's not cherry pick out failing airline pilot pay-rates to SkyWest's. They're paid & treated better than most any ALPA regional carrier.

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Completely incorrect. Filling out an ASAP will NOT, once again, will NOT, keep you from losing your job. It only keeps the FAA from violating you. If you are an idiot, the company can still fire you.

SkyWest will only provide you with a lawyer if they want to, they are not required to do so. If they decide to fire you, I guarantee you will not receive legal help from SkyWest.

If you are an idiot, you SHOULD be fired! What kind of arguement is that?
If you are an idiot, you SHOULD be fired! What kind of arguement is that?

What?? It wasn't an argument, I was correcting his misconceptions. I think you need to re-read it. I agree, you should be fired. The original poster seems to think that an ASAP will save your job, which is incorrect. I just laid out the facts, Jack.
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You accept job contracts that give your company a profit margin today and change that contract as the business changes. If SkyWest had ComAir's hourly wages, they'd be harder pressed to generate profits because, overall, you're paying employees WAY more with quick upgrades. I'm sure everyone is familiar with Horizon's long upgrade yet very high hourly wage. You can't honestly tell me they'd be paying those wages if they had 12-24 month upgrades.

Actually our payrates were negotiated at a time when our upgrade time was considerably lower, quite close to what Skywest is today. Low payrates are low payrates whatever the upgrade time. You might think your takehome pay is plenty after that 8 month Brasilia upgrade, but meanwhile management around the industry is pointing to your depressed payscales and trying to convince 5 year FOs they need to "migrate to market."
In my eyes it's obvious we need representation at SkyWest...but I look at ALPA and see nothing but problems. What is the union at Southwest..inhouse? Why is it that they are not chastised for not being ALPA?

Yes, you do need representation.

Yes, they are inhouse but are a union.

Because they are a union.

I think there are some on this board that would agree that ALPA may not be for you but you need to be represented by someone. If you don't vote for representation JA will just walk away with the money in his pocket just like the several times before.

You can have a relationship with the company and have a union. The difference is that everything is in ink. If a person has a problem with putting it in a contract then would you just take his word for it? Those days are over and even at SWA and CAL, when Gordon was there, they had contracts and both airlines were successful.
Actually, that has everything to do with it. We're not talking 5 years from now we're talking today. If in 5 years from now SkyWest has 10 year upgrades you can expect higher per hour wages. You don't demand pay for what your airline may or may-not be doing 5-10 years from now. Regionals are paid out on PRESENT DAY contracts from the majors.

You accept job contracts that give your company a profit margin today and change that contract as the business changes. If SkyWest had ComAir's hourly wages, they'd be harder pressed to generate profits because, overall, you're paying employees WAY more with quick upgrades. I'm sure everyone is familiar with Horizon's long upgrade yet very high hourly wage. You can't honestly tell me they'd be paying those wages if they had 12-24 month upgrades.

And please, let's not cherry pick out failing airline pilot pay-rates to SkyWest's. They're paid & treated better than most any ALPA regional carrier.


Here at ASA, it's about a 5 year upgrade and our management if offering a payscale less than yours.
Which part? The tennis shoes that Chromer gave him written permisson to wear or the FFDO thing?

The FFDO thing. He stepped on his own peepee bad with those 2 cancellations, and still retained his job. His reasoning is simple. He believes that "these FOs can't fly a plane to save their own lives; why should I have any of them in the cockpit with me with a weapon?" Isn't it strange that the FOM change requiring the AP to be engaged in RVSM airspace was specifically because of him, though no one will admit it?

The black sneaker thing is totally bogas. If he has an issue with his feet, why does he carry all of his bags and not use a rollerboard or some other assist device?

Things that make you go, "Let's do whatever we want."
I didn't bother to read all the posts but I will tell you why I am in favor. Skywest is deceptive to it's employees. The 18 month TA thing was deceptive. Recently the company said they were willing to talk about a pay raise, then they said,"oh, sorry, there is a union drive going on so we can't." Like this is the first time there was a union drive at Skywest. Now because many of the fence sitters have jumped over to the side of legal representation, they can all of a sudden talk about a raise again. I don't like being lied to, I could care less if we get a raise unless it's significant. I don't think it will be much in these times anyway. The other reason I want ALPA is so that if I overlook something in the normal course of duty and somebody dies, I have the absolute best in legal representation. When someone dies, the public wants a lynching even if it was unintentional. I don't want to spend anytime in prison for a simple mistake that turns into a disaster. I think I will be better served by the union lawyers than Skywest lawyers.
The FFDO thing. He stepped on his own peepee bad with those 2 cancellations, and still retained his job. His reasoning is simple. He believes that "these FOs can't fly a plane to save their own lives; why should I have any of them in the cockpit with me with a weapon?" Isn't it strange that the FOM change requiring the AP to be engaged in RVSM airspace was specifically because of him, though no one will admit it?

The black sneaker thing is totally bogas. If he has an issue with his feet, why does he carry all of his bags and not use a rollerboard or some other assist device?

Things that make you go, "Let's do whatever we want."

Don't forget Snoopy and the Rambo headband!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Didn't want to bore everyone with ALL of the specifics. He even puts the d*mn snoopy on the dash in the sim. It's adhered with a bandaid. Wears the bandana in the sim also. Dork boy.

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