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SkyWest Pay Proposal Passes

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Hellonewman HAS to be flamebait. No one could be that stupid/shortsighted. If he is not alone, I have totally lost faith in the next generation.

*Hint read "The Greatest Generation" I am in awe of them. Some of those guys FOUNDED this profession. I think Hellonewman and other Gen-xers will simply laugh at them for being so selfless....

Best Post of the Thread.
I also have backup plans to go and finish law school if this career does not work out in the long run. [end quote]

Newman, Newman, Newman...

You sound like you would make a good lawyer. Able to turn an argument on its head and confound the issues with pseudo facts. I can see you up there now, "If the contract don't fit, you must acquit!!!"

Newman, as an ex-Skywester, shut up. You're embarrassing me and the rest of the pilot group. If you want to make a stand about getting all you can before you vote for a union, then that would be understandable. But to say that this is the best you can do until somebody else does something better is ludicrous. There are already better pay scales out there. Why shouldn't you be able to demand more. Are you not worth it? And if not, then why will you be worth it later?

Stop being so grateful for a job, and demand what you are worth. Take some pride in yourself.
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I also have backup plans to go and finish law school if this career does not work out in the long run.

I am pretty sure at some point ASA will get a good contract. Bush won't be in office forever. As airlines get stronger we all gain more leverage.

Look you fukking moron. Go to law school. You're perfect. They accept retarded dipshiits like you all the time.

Tell you what. We'll even take up a collection to buy your books for the first semester. Eventually we'll out your true identity on here and you'll almost be forced to slink off into a corner. You're an embarassment to your colleagues and the profession in general.

Why are you so sure ASA will get a good contract? By voting yes on the POS you made the ASA negotiators jobs much more difficult.

Retard. Just a fricking retard. Enjoy winter in ORD fukkface.

You are one lazy son-of-a-bitch. I feel sorry for the Captains who have to fly with you. Single pilot in an RJ on fire would be preferable.


I do not think I am part of the problem nor part of the solution. I am here for one thing and one thing only. I am here to make a good living flying for the company. The outside factors do not interest me so much. My main goal is to see all pilot groups florish. I do not rely on any other pilot group to make more or less than us. In the end though we all pass judgement it really isn't our buisness what people at other airlines are making. I have made comparisons myself however I realize now that what another man makes is none of my buisness. The ultimate goal here is to have a long career making good money until age 60.

It would be nice to make it to a major but getting thousands of hrs of RJ PIC doesn't equal what it used to. I wouldn't mind having a career at SkyWest either. I also have backup plans to go and finish law school if this career does not work out in the long run. A large key to making your regional airline prosper and stay around another 35 years is being able to stay competitive so you can land the big contracts. This is why I have no problem taking small increments to achieving our goals. Instead of one big raise why not spread it out with COLA added on the next one. I am pretty sure at some point ASA will get a good contract. Bush won't be in office forever. As airlines get stronger we all gain more leverage.

Hey there problem...I mean Newman. Do all of us a favor and go to law school. I really doubt you'll be able to pass the bar exam, but if you do maybe you can go work for J.O. and try and help him or others like him keep beating down their pilot groups!
This sounds like a dynamic versus static argument. Hellonewman prefers a static argument (nothing that happens in this industry affects others). I (and most here) see that this is a dynamic (all things affect all groups)industry, and try to do things that help others. It's too bad we have people like him in this industry. Selfish. Very selfish. You can look out for yourself as well as others at the same time. He/she doesn't seem to give a rip outside of his own little sphere.

AF :cool:
What other pilot groups? Like Comair and ASA. Maybe you F$*KS should demand their contracts or more and stop lowering the bar. If you did this they wouldn't have to take paycuts just to keep their jobs? You think their airplanes are being flown by you're crews because you have it better? Think agian, you obviously know nothing about business because you are looking at ALPA as an expense not an insurance policy and a tool to net you larger income. Your post is the problem with this job. Your post is the reason Comair wants concessions, your post is the reason Aloha is going to have lay people off, your post is the reason upgrade times at companies like Horizon and Eagle are through the roof, your post is the reason MESA and CHQ fly for 5 different airlines. The SkyWest pilots are in a position to make things better for all regional pilots if they put thier foot down. You said you were in this to make more money, if no one flew another CRJ-700 for Delta untill you were paid as well or better than ASA or Comair you would make more money. I don't know how to stop, you post makes me sick. Stop being the problem, be the change man.


So Horizon and Eagle's upgrades are what they are because of SkyWest? All I hear is how much Horizon gets paid and how great their 401K is. How many AA furloughs are flying for Eagle and slowed down upgrade and caused Eagle furloughs? That didn't have a thing to do with SkyWest.

Refuse to fly the Delta 700's? ASA can't get a contract after 4 years. SkyWest's pilots can just refuse to fly, without a binding contract, and make it better for the whole regional industry? Right.
So Horizon and Eagle's upgrades are what they are because of SkyWest? All I hear is how much Horizon gets paid and how great their 401K is. How many AA furloughs are flying for Eagle and slowed down upgrade and caused Eagle furloughs? That didn't have a thing to do with SkyWest.

Refuse to fly the Delta 700's? ASA can't get a contract after 4 years. SkyWest's pilots can just refuse to fly, without a binding contract, and make it better for the whole regional industry? Right.

Read the post, that's not what he said......
Agree 100% The ALPA drive has a very slim chance of success when over 750 pilots failed to vote either way on this pay proposal. I don't get it, how hard was it to vote?

Not saying I agree, but a lot of guys here felt the offer was so bad they didn't want to dignify it by voting...I thought it was a cr@p offer, but that a no vote was better than not voting(I'm not really sure how it would really be best to get management to see just how unfair and pathetic their "offer" was)?
if the math is right, then that's right between Low Mesa (SKY is $3 more) and RAH (SKYW is $3 less).

So 4 months from now, at the bargaining table, I can see JO saying, well right now we're close enough to SKYW, and BB saying..no raise..look at SKYW.

Who the hell voted yes for this? Companies making a hundred some-odd mil a year, you shoulda gone for an EMB raise AND at least a %10 raise.

At least be in line with RAH's 70 seats...those guys get made fun enough...guess SKYW deserves more grief.

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