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Skywest is buying ASA??

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To General Lee who has decided violence may be justified over a rumor. Take your ass kicking somewhere else. Some of us at Skywest would welcome a merger that would insure us an ALPA vote. However Union or not, talk of burning down a company would get you thrown out of most cockpits (not to mention the company itself). How does hurting a company benifit anyone?

As far as mergers go-I for one admit a lack of experience here. I only know of the recent ones American-TWA. Not good if you were a new hire TWA. We have some good Mgmt. at Skywest, and although we don't always see eye to eye , they wouldn't put you guys in an angry position. Would be counter productive to spending millions.

Speculate all you guys want. Like someone else already said (I'll believe it when I see it).
Exskydiverdrivr said:
To General Lee who has decided violence may be justified over a rumor. Take your ass kicking somewhere else. Some of us at Skywest would welcome a merger that would insure us an ALPA vote. However Union or not, talk of burning down a company would get you thrown out of most cockpits (not to mention the company itself). How does hurting a company benifit anyone?

As far as mergers go-I for one admit a lack of experience here. I only know of the recent ones American-TWA. Not good if you were a new hire TWA. We have some good Mgmt. at Skywest, and although we don't always see eye to eye , they wouldn't put you guys in an angry position. Would be counter productive to spending millions.

Speculate all you guys want. Like someone else already said (I'll believe it when I see it).

What? I just thought it was funny that a guy with a real name on this forum was suggesting someone from ASA should get a grocery store bagging job if he wasn't happy with a possible merger/aquisition. The guy has ballz. I never advocated violence, I just predicted some.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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Get off the computer, and go for a bike ride with your wife...
By the way I do agree with the General, dave benjamin u got big giant balzs and I respect that. However your name is probably beining etched into the back of every set of Jepps on this forum so GAME ON!!!
Just kidding I respect ur opinion! Hope to see you at the stock holders meeting tomorrow General to show support for your Delta Connection, Alpa brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave Benjamin Or Friend At Asa That Works For Skywest!

:) By the way I do agree with the General, dave benjamin u got big giant balzs and I respect that. However your name is probably etched into the back of every set of Jepps on this forum so GAME ON SUCKA!!!
Just kidding I respect ur opinion! General, Hope to see you at the stock holders meeting tomorrow to show support for your Delta Connection, Alpa brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are in the same S@#t box no matter how u look at it!!

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