I feel your pain. I'm about same time as you(2300 tt, 600me). I have resume's out to every regional hiring...No calls yet. Patience I guess is a virtue that will hopefully pay off.
I interviewed on Tuesday, and all went well. I was offered a CRJ on the spot, asked if I could be in class on Oct 23 or 30. As published in my resume, I wont be avail until Dec 1, so Camielle said she would let me know when they scheule the Dec class (I think Dec 11 is rumored?)
I was the only militray pilot in the interview, with about half my time in helos and half as a T-37 instructor. Of seven interviewees, three were dismissed (one each from testing, sim and interview) two offered EMB classes, one told he would find out in 8-10 days, and me.
A couple questions for Andy (or whoever else):
1. How long can I expect to sit reserve in the RJ?
2. What does base senority look like for the RJ? I will be pretty jr. in my class with a high last four and probably live in SMF.
3. How much of a break is there in training dept over Xmas holiday?
Question for you.. I just did an on-line app with Skywest, and am waiting for the written exam call. What is Camille's email contact? I have a CRJ type, around 200 jet pic, and 7600 total. What are chances of getting on soon with these guys.
Any other advice, especially for interview.. let me know.
what was the interview like? what kind of questions did they ask you? were you at the job fairs back in march? what was the sim profile like?
i have an interview at the end of the month. any input would be great. thanks.
CRJCAPT - Camielle's email is [email protected] I don't know the trick to getting an interview. I just updated my online profile and exchanged a few emails with Camielle. I'm new to this game as an 11 year military pilot.
Jet -dreamer - No jobs fairs, look back a few replys in the same string for my details. I'll get around to updating aviationinterviews.com with interview details this weekend.
You seem like a good guy. I have 7,600 total, CRJ type, (around 200 jet PIC), and need all the help I can. I just did the on-line app. thing. I need to know, can I expect something quickly, especially if I am available immediately?? Who else should I contact? what email, fax or PH#??, how often? without getting them upset? etc..
I can take all the advice.
Thanks a lot.
squirrely, congrats on the job offer. See you in basic indoc.
1. I donn't have a good handle on the length of jet reserve. I can tell you that reserfe levels system wide are dropping implying shorter than normal reserve times. Obviously folks transitioning from the Brasilia will have shorter reserve periods (if any) because they will have a year seniority over newhires.
2. CRJ bases are SLC, TUS, and FAT in order of ease of award.
3. Ground school will take Christmas week off but don't expect any breaks over New Years.
What you should expect quickly is an email from Camielle saying that your online resume' has been received. It would be really helpful to get three letters of recommendation from SkyWest pilots ASAP. Those carry a lot of weight and get her attention. Beyond that, I would update the online resume' at 90 day intervals (no more or less frequently).
I sent the online resume/app, but got no email of receipt from Camielle. Does that mean it didn't go through, or that i am just underqual'd for the current positions?
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