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Skywest Ground School Dates?

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New member
Nov 3, 2002
Does anyone have information on Skywest Ground schools for November through January? Dates? Which are filled?
They told us in the interview that they would run classes every 3 weeks. I think there is a E120 class starting Nov. 5 and the next E120/CRJ class is on Nov.20.
Thank you for the reply.
I heard they may cancel a class or two in December. Anyone herd anything about that?
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Be nice to one another!

hmm.. as a highly qualified MEI do you usually correct your students mistakes in front of the whole FBO? or take them aside and show them what they did wrong in a less threatening environment, more conducive to learning. (HEAR comes my excuse...) Sometimes it is of benefit.. but I doubt your post did a whole lot for the unfortunate speller or anyone else for that matter. Hopefully this post will get you to pull in your fangs and others observing will take a more tactful approach(private message??) to "assisting" THERE fellow aviators in the proper use of the english language.

P.S. I don't claim to have perfect spelling or grammar.. just a bit of tact in most cases...

Live long and prosper!
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RRRRRRReow!!!! Catfight!!!!

It's On!!!..... or is it its?

FlyboyPhil, you are clueless. Claws happens to be a good friend of mine and a fellow instructor. I was giving him a hard time. Thanks for the dissertation though. Have you nothing better to do with your time?
As far as classes being cancelled I am doubtful. Although newhires going into the RJ might not happen for awhile. Since they announced DEN, PSP, & SBA as RJ domiciles the standing bid list is alot more full!

However, they would still need to fill Brasilia slots. Especially since they announced the first 14 weeks of 03' are gonna be grayed out (i.e. denied) for vacation for EMB crews.

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