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Skywest & ASA management: READ!

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Simple Spread Sheet!

Don't get me started in the incompetence and inefficiency of our schedulers on normal days. A computer could do 75% of the jobs that schedulers do and much better.

Heck! Just a simple excel spread sheet with short call and long call would take the guess work right out of it. I brought this in to willie 5 years ago and he told me it would be to difficult to implement??? I got nothing but excuses from that guy! Made me just want to :puke: .
Crash Pad said:
DUDE People on this board need to b!tch... Don't rain on there parade. We all know that if Go-Around is really flying 95 a month with 6 on 1 off 6 on they would not be posting as early and often. Somehow I think they won't even time out this year despite the hammer of god that scheduling rains down on them.
Hey guys here is an idea... Need a new scheduling program that will allow the company to remove staff and save it money. The same program will make our lives amazing. Tell ALPA to buy it for the company. You pay 2% a year for a billboard. The purpose of a union is to improve the life of a worker and protect them... Since a contract looks a long way off and a strike looks ill advised why not use those dues to fix things immidiately and help the company.

Never said that it was every month flying that way. I only started posting so much this month cause they havn't used me that much for a change. Doesn't change the fact that they did for a 4 month stretch, abuse my schedule such that only my 4 GDO's were'nt moved and the month of July I flew over 97 hours on a relief line. They had me scheduled for 97h and 42m until I called them on the max they can schedule you for in a month. Their first answer was that 97h and 42m was less than 97.50. Their fix for this after going round and round with them about the fact that 97h 42m in crew trac converted is more than 97.5 was to change the block time on my first round trip by 12 minutes to get around the contract restriction.

I could rant for days about scheduling, their inefficiencies and incompetence.
A new sched. program would pay for itself with improved efficiency and getting rid of the needless schedulers the computer program that would replace.
Never said that it was every month flying that way. I only started posting so much this month cause they havn't used me that much for a change. Doesn't change the fact that they did for a 4 month stretch, abuse my schedule such that only my 4 GDO's were'nt moved and the month of July I flew over 97 hours on a relief line. They had me scheduled for 97h and 42m until I called them on the max they can schedule you for in a month. Their first answer was that 97h and 42m was less than 97.50. Their fix for this after going round and round with them about the fact that 97h 42m in crew trac converted is more than 97.5 was to change the block time on my first round trip by 12 minutes to get around the contract restriction.

I could rant for days about scheduling, their inefficiencies and incompetence.
A new sched. program would pay for itself with improved efficiency and getting rid of the needless schedulers the computer program that would replace.

Talk to a Skywest person about their reserve system. 11 days off, can't be moved, they can see what the schedulers see. Choice of first call, last call. Seniority reserve.
Talk to most any carrier regional or major about their reserve system and it's better than ours. I want whats best from all the contracts out there. That's what our CNC did when they came up with all their proposals. Researched all the contracts out there and took the best from them to get the best QOL possible.
OCP said:
Talk to a Skywest person about their reserve system. 11 days off, can't be moved, they can see what the schedulers see. Choice of first call, last call. Seniority reserve.
You're mostly right, except for the ability to see what the schedulers can see. The only thing you can see is your relative position in the bucket and if they call you while you're in the bottom of it, they just tell you it hasn't updated yet. And the seniority system is only based on people in your specific "bucket" so you can still get shafted. It's frustrating. If you make friends with the right scheduler, though, you can have a pretty decent life on reserve.
~~~^~~~ said:
Neal: It is ALPA negotiating. We only have one bargaining agent and that AGENT is ALPA.

Semantics. Each MEC negotiates for themselves using the resources that National provides. You are projecting your own frustration about reality in the wrong direction.

~~~^~~~ said:
ALPA acting as the sole agent for the ASA pilots denied our requests to negotiate with Delta to establish scope. Delta said they would negotiate, ALPA said no way in He11, you want me to post the link to the letters?

Yes, please post proof that Delta management would physically pass paper with you guys at ASA.

~~~^~~~ said:
So I guess what is wrong is that the Delta MEC has control of our negotiating agent.

I don't think that is the case at all. Again, projection of your internal frustration in the wrong direction.

~~~^~~~ said:
The ASA pilots do not recieve the same level of representation, which you explain away as "we are ACMI carriers." Well, so are the Delta pilots. We are all in holding companies, but the difference is that the Delta pilots have the control of the union.

Wrong. I did not say that so please do not put words in my mouth. I was explaining the difference between Delta Air Lines (which owns the brand that is on the tail) and ASA which is a vendor/supplier to Delta Air Lines. Knowing what I know about your negotiating process, you have not received "less representation" than your Delta counterparts. Have you been denied access to an R&I professional? To E&FA? To Legal? To Communications? Delta pilots aren't in control of the union. Delta pilots do, however, have ownership over a certain percentage of DL's flying because they bargained for it over the past 50+ years. You know it and I know it...you just refuse to admit and acknowledge it.

~~~^~~~ said:
But to hear you tell it, that is OK because ASA pilots do not deserve better.

That is garbage - plain and simple.

~~~^~~~ said:
As far as solid ideas, how about the merger and fragmentation policy? How about single carrier petitions? How about fighting to end alter ego competition? How about National actually prohibiting predatory bargaining? - they used that justification for refusing to sign a contract that CC Air had ratified. Or how about setting up a Judicial branch in ALPA to hear grievances between members? Even you must admit there are no checks and balances in our union that will restrain a mainline MEC when it goes renegade.

There is nothing that prevents single carrier petitions. Why aren't you guys going for that with Skywest? Does your situation (or did I should say) show cause for implementing the Merger policy? Can you show a clear case for it? Because without the other pilot group being interested, you'd probably have the burden of proof on you guys...and it would be a pretty high bar to reach as far as cases go.

~~~^~~~ said:
ALPA will fail because ALPA fails to represent its members. Unions are supposed to bring employees together - somebody tell me how ALPA achieves that basic task!

Would we be having this discussion if none of the concessions ever occurred, oil was still at $25/bbl, everyone was upgrading in a year, and the majors were all hiring 100+/month? Probably not. When times are bad, people need to blame someone for their misfortune (or at least the perception of it). ALPA isn't a perfect organization but it is only as strong as its members. This is illustrated by looking at various MEC's - it is pretty obvious which ones are the dysfunction ones and which ones are the strong ones.


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