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Skywest & ASA management: READ!

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I agree Skywest needs protection. But I think it can be done inhouse. My thoughts only is Alpa at SkyWest would mess what they have up realy bad. "just my opinion"

ASA on the other hand is in to deep to back out now. Good luck!!
ohplease! said:
I never said I wouldn't vote yes. Just said I'd take theirs and would like to see ALPA disappear. I've not seen ALPA show ANY interest in regionals in general OR ASA specifically.

Alas, thats the system I have to live in. I knew it when I signed on. I'm not too sure they really want to take a strike vote though. I'm not convinced they'll get the mandate they wish for or need. Better to bluff and not show your cards than to bluff and show you don't have anything.

Nothing like good old false rhetoric based on no fact whatsoever. ALPA as a national organization has taken far more interest in us "regionals" than you realize. For starters, we at XJT have received outstanding support from national, including getting the Director of Representation AS WELL as the Assistant Director of Representation working directly with us on our contract. We consistently have had the Manager and Director of Communications at our MEC meetings helping us in various ways. Our R&I support is top notch and always available. I could go on...but it would probably fall on deaf ears...because it is always much easier to blame the big bad organization carte blanche without specifically addressing any real issues.

As far as ASA, well...there is a lot that is being done that I know about but I think you should find out from your own reps. Complaining on here won't solve anything. Good luck.

BluDevAv8r said:
Nothing like good old false rhetoric based on no fact whatsoever....it is always much easier to blame the big bad organization carte blanche without specifically addressing any real issues.
mamba20 said:
Since when has ALPA actually helped a pilot group?
(mamba with fingers in ears shouting "NA NA NA! I can't hear you!!")
BluDevAv8r said:
Nothing like good old false rhetoric based on no fact whatsoever. ALPA as a national organization has taken far more interest in us "regionals" than you realize. For starters, we at XJT have received outstanding support from national, including getting the Director of Representation AS WELL as the Assistant Director of Representation working directly with us on our contract. We consistently have had the Manager and Director of Communications at our MEC meetings helping us in various ways. Our R&I support is top notch and always available. I could go on...but it would probably fall on deaf ears...because it is always much easier to blame the big bad organization carte blanche without specifically addressing any real issues.

Yeah, ALPA has taken interest in us all right. While I have been here we were scoped from 105 seats, down to 50 with limited 70 seaters grandfathered in. Our legitimate policy implementation date request to merge our operationally integrated airlines was railroaded by another MEC, ALPA removed the definition of "operational integration" from its Constitution and set off a torrent of alter ego competition that has driven market wages down, ALPA jerrymandered the representational structure to keep our representative votes off the Executive Board and our Union President has welcomed scabs back into the union without a penny of back dues.

ALPA has taken so much interest in us that Duane Woerth walks right past our Pilot lounge on his way to talk to the Delta pilots. He did not even do the 10 second photo op. This is how interested ALPA National is in our plight, so much that they can't be bothered to stick their head in the door and say hello.

ALPA's only interest in us right now is negotiating flying that they are afraid we might get to their "preferred" pilots at other airlines. ALPA has proposed an agreement to Delta forgoing certain furloughee benefits in exchange for an agreement to operate RJ's smaller than 90 seats at mainline and the proposed 100 seat rates are less than our current 70 seat rates.

If ALPA can not get the flying to mainline, they will settle for non-ALPA carriers so ASA pilots can't use their numbers to form a voting block that might restore some representation to the "non preferred pilots." If you notice the only next generation airplanes being put into Delta service are flown by pilots who are not ALPA members.

ALPA is a great organization which has effectively been hijacked by a few MEC's who have used the union as a tool to disenfranchise pilots that are not at the "preferred" airlines. Candidly, if I saw I way to keep our local union structure while dumping the national union, I would do it in a second.

We need a strong National union to bring pilots together and stop alter ego competition. Unfortunately ALPA isn't it. Perhaps it is the best of the worst case scenarios, but I'm wondering if Teamsters would not do a better job. At least their President isn't out eating cake with scabs while welcoming them back to ALPA.

I'm definately in the "I would strike, as long as it takes" category. But, it is because management has offered nothing, even non-economic requests, that would improve our quality of life. If we were given Skywest's deal (without the loss of our 70 rates) & a merger I'd sign on. I think the ball is in management's Court and they could chop ALPA off at the kneecaps by showing a little good faith. If I had the choice of picketing Herndon, VA, or Virginia Ave., it would be a tough call. Fortunately a lot of ALPA's bad apples are nearing 60 and hopefully they will take their huge ALPA pay and go far, far, away.

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~~~^~~~ said:
Yeah, ALPA has taken interest in us all right. While I have been here we were scoped from 105 seats, down to 50 with limited 70 seaters grandfathered in. Our legitimate policy implementation date request to merge our operationally integrated airlines was railroaded by another MEC, ALPA removed the definition of "operational integration" from its Constitution and set off a torrent of alter ego competition that has driven market wages down, ALPA jerrymandered the representational structure to keep our representative votes off the Executive Board and our Union President has welcomed scabs back into the union without a penny of back dues.

ALPA has taken so much interest in us that Duane Woerth walks right past our Pilot lounge on his way to talk to the Delta pilots. He did not even do the 10 second photo op. This is how interested ALPA National is in our plight, so much that they can't be bothered to stick their head in the door and say hello.

ALPA's only interest in us right now is negotiating flying that they are afraid we might get to their "preferred" pilots at other airlines. ALPA has proposed an agreement to Delta forgoing certain furloughee benefits in exchange for an agreement to operate RJ's smaller than 90 seats at mainline and the proposed 100 seat rates are less than our current 70 seat rates.

If ALPA can not get the flying to mainline, they will settle for non-ALPA carriers so ASA pilots can't use their numbers to form a voting block that might restore some representation to the "non preferred pilots." If you notice the only next generation airplanes being put into Delta service are flown by pilots who are not ALPA members.

ALPA is a great organization which has effectively been hijacked by a few MEC's who have used the union as a tool to disenfranchise pilots that are not at the "preferred" airlines. Candidly, if I saw I way to keep our local union structure while dumping the national union, I would do it in a second.

We need a strong National union to bring pilots together and stop alter ego competition. Unfortunately ALPA isn't it. Perhaps it is the best of the worst case scenarios, but I'm wondering if Teamsters would not do a better job. At least their President isn't out eating cake with scabs while welcoming them back to ALPA.

I'm definately in the "I would strike, as long as it takes" category. But, it is because management has offered nothing, even non-economic requests, that would improve our quality of life. If we were given Skywest's deal (without the loss of our 70 rates) & a merger I'd sign on. I think the ball is in management's Court and they could chop ALPA off at the kneecaps by showing a little good faith. If I had the choice of picketing Herndon, VA, or Virginia Ave., it would be a tough call. Fortunately a lot of ALPA's bad apples are nearing 60 and hopefully they will take their huge ALPA pay and go far, far, away.


Sounds like your beef is with the Delta MEC...not with ALPA National. And the Delta MEC is doing what you would be doing...protecting its flying as best as it can.

With your experience Fins you should know the role of National versus that of the MEC's on a local level.

ohplease! said:
I agree! 100%.

Give me a $2/hr. raise (+ profit sharing) and the better scheduling and work rules, show ALPA the door and let me keep my 2%.

I'm happy now. That would make me REALLY happy.

i couldn't agree more....
~~~^~~~ said:
Yeah, ALPA has taken interest in us all right. While I have been here we were scoped from 105 seats, down to 50 with limited 70 seaters grandfathered in. Our legitimate policy implementation date request to merge our operationally integrated airlines was railroaded by another MEC, ALPA removed the definition of "operational integration" from its Constitution and set off a torrent of alter ego competition that has driven market wages down, ALPA jerrymandered the representational structure to keep our representative votes off the Executive Board and our Union President has welcomed scabs back into the union without a penny of back dues.

ALPA has taken so much interest in us that Duane Woerth walks right past our Pilot lounge on his way to talk to the Delta pilots. He did not even do the 10 second photo op. This is how interested ALPA National is in our plight, so much that they can't be bothered to stick their head in the door and say hello.

ALPA's only interest in us right now is negotiating flying that they are afraid we might get to their "preferred" pilots at other airlines. ALPA has proposed an agreement to Delta forgoing certain furloughee benefits in exchange for an agreement to operate RJ's smaller than 90 seats at mainline and the proposed 100 seat rates are less than our current 70 seat rates.

If ALPA can not get the flying to mainline, they will settle for non-ALPA carriers so ASA pilots can't use their numbers to form a voting block that might restore some representation to the "non preferred pilots." If you notice the only next generation airplanes being put into Delta service are flown by pilots who are not ALPA members.

ALPA is a great organization which has effectively been hijacked by a few MEC's who have used the union as a tool to disenfranchise pilots that are not at the "preferred" airlines. Candidly, if I saw I way to keep our local union structure while dumping the national union, I would do it in a second.

We need a strong National union to bring pilots together and stop alter ego competition. Unfortunately ALPA isn't it. Perhaps it is the best of the worst case scenarios, but I'm wondering if Teamsters would not do a better job. At least their President isn't out eating cake with scabs while welcoming them back to ALPA.

I'm definately in the "I would strike, as long as it takes" category. But, it is because management has offered nothing, even non-economic requests, that would improve our quality of life. If we were given Skywest's deal (without the loss of our 70 rates) & a merger I'd sign on. I think the ball is in management's Court and they could chop ALPA off at the kneecaps by showing a little good faith. If I had the choice of picketing Herndon, VA, or Virginia Ave., it would be a tough call. Fortunately a lot of ALPA's bad apples are nearing 60 and hopefully they will take their huge ALPA pay and go far, far, away.

very well said. the last time I posted my same feelings on this topic I was branded "managment" because I start sentences with lower case and I am a terrible guy to fly with because I actually want to comply with company directives.
You would think that SW is smart enough to be coming up with a plan so everyone is happy. All the SW emp. seem to be happy which makes them profitable and I would think they would continue that.

As for Brian L he is part of that same group that got us here and I have no confidence in him at all. He has no idea about this ONE VISION.

I think he was in charge of the ramp when it was soooooo BAD and the ramp did not improve until they got the new guy. If this is true, he should not be running this company.

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