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SkyWest ALPA

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I sure haven't seen ALPA help any regionals recently, have you? Look into Teamsters. They sure look like they are kicking some a$$ in the fractional arena.

Good luck.


BTW - here is a list of the pilots they cover:
Air Transport International (ATI)
Arrow Air
Centurion Air
Custom Air Transport
Express One
Great Lakes Aviation
Gulfstream International
Horizon Air
Kalitta Air
North American Airlines
Shuttle America
Southeast Airlines
United Express (Great Lakes)
U.S.A. 3000 Airlines
U.S. Airways (Chautauqua)
World Airways
Zantop International
ya buoy said:
alright truckdriver, yes you have a wicked good contract but....

You are a minority in the regional ALPA ranks.
According to many of your own this contract will have to be revised in order to secure current and future contracts.

I personally believe management is benefiting more from PBS than we are, but again most of the loudest complaints come from pilots that refuse to REALLY learn the software and how it works. ME INCLUDED. Shucks, if your senior and you followed the above advice, PBS is the cats meow, no debate, you can build your own line.

NOT TRUE!! Shucks, I'm senior and I've read the PBS(pretty bad schedules)manual backwards and forwards and have gotten 5 to 6 less days off every month. At least the credit is also down between 15 and 20 hours...largely due to the pairings getting worse and worse.
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Rez O. Lewshun said:
The first is locally. If your current working conditions include

1. Fear and intimidation to include pilot pushing.
2. No (political) voice
3. Limited bargaining strength
4. Limited scope protection
5. Limited job protection
6. Limited say in safety issues

Ok I think everyone on the regional forum with a union suffers from 2,3,4. 10 posts ago an ASA guy was saying he was reprimanded for a safety issue... that would be 6. So it looks like ALPA doesn't address any of these issues better than SKYW.
Hey SKYW go union. I have noticed here on the Flight Info there are few Skywest pilots and even fewer complaints. I bet that number skyrockets once you get a union.
Rez O. Lewshun said:
I believe we should look at Brand scope, or even the next forward thinking idea. Problem is, I don't know what it is... perhaps another does...
ALPA talks about brand scope, then pursues an agenda that further divides the "brand" so flying can be given to the preferred pilots. Examples abound, most recently at Northwest where NAir, NStar, NWA70 and other plans have been either promoted, or negotiated, by ALPA to transfer flying to Northwest Pilots at yet another alter ego airline within the brand. Examples also abound at US Air where several alter ego competitors within the brand were created to provide jets for jobs tickets for the preferred pilots. ALPA's actions speak louder than their words.

The next forward thinking idea is actually a return to basics, where ALPA represents their pilots equally and where a strong national organization exists to keep predatory MEC's from doing just this sort of negotiating to benefit their pilots, while the rest of the profession suffers. Of course the sum effect of all of ALPA's representational failure is the "race for the bottom" that we see everywhere.

The RJDC is the only effort being made to restore the union. Others within ALPA might have the right idea, like brand scope, but as long as the real power is held by just one, or two MEC's, those MEC's will continue to do whatever they want (without restraint) and the rest of the profession can go to he11 as far as "ALPA" is concerned.

Bottom line is that unions are supposed to bring employees together - ALPA doesn't do that these days.
~~~^~~~ said:
The RJDC is the only effort being made to restore the union. Others within ALPA might have the right idea, like brand scope, but as long as the real power is held by just one, or two MEC's, those MEC's will continue to do whatever they want (without restraint) and the rest of the profession can go to he11 as far as "ALPA" is concerned.
No fins, just you and your girls of the rjdc can go there! Your idea of the rjdc is nothing more than extortion! You are tying to further your careers at the expense of your fellow pilots while trying to line your pockets with MY union dues! You are a disgrace to this industry, and the sooner this lame duck suit is thrown out with the rest of you scabs, the sooner this industry will be.

Bottom line is that unions are supposed to bring employees together - ALPA doesn't do that these days.
That's right, and your little lawsuit has further drawn the line between the pilot groups. I can't wait until someone posts a list of all you losers, so we can persue a counter suit to get back all the $$ you pukes have wasted of ALPA and to have you expelled!
~~~^~~~ said:
ALPA talks about brand scope, then pursues an agenda that further divides the "brand" so flying can be given to the preferred pilots. Examples abound, most recently at Northwest where NAir, NStar, NWA70 and other plans have been either promoted, or negotiated, by ALPA to transfer flying to Northwest Pilots at yet another alter ego airline within the brand. Examples also abound at US Air where several alter ego competitors within the brand were created to provide jets for jobs tickets for the preferred pilots. ALPA's actions speak louder than their words.

The next forward thinking idea is actually a return to basics, where ALPA represents their pilots equally and where a strong national organization exists to keep predatory MEC's from doing just this sort of negotiating to benefit their pilots, while the rest of the profession suffers. Of course the sum effect of all of ALPA's representational failure is the "race for the bottom" that we see everywhere.

The RJDC is the only effort being made to restore the union. Others within ALPA might have the right idea, like brand scope, but as long as the real power is held by just one, or two MEC's, those MEC's will continue to do whatever they want (without restraint) and the rest of the profession can go to he11 as far as "ALPA" is concerned.

Bottom line is that unions are supposed to bring employees together - ALPA doesn't do that these days.


your message is loud and clear and heard often.....

I say to you, that the issue has been raised...but HOW do you propose to get back to the basics... In addition, what exactly is the RJDC doing besides sueing.

ALPA's representational "race to the bottom" is the same structure that brought us UAL2000 and DAL2001. Seemed to work fine then. If you want to change the structure around, then all will be complaining when the boom and growth return, that thier pay is limited by the national structure. If the UAL guys return to super profitiablity why should thier negotiations be limited by another company that is doing poorly?

The problem is management runs thier agenda and all expect ALPA to counter free market forces (even Greenspan can't do that!) and reverse upper management decisions....

Air Line Pilots Do Not Run Airlines!
Crash Pad said:
Ok I think everyone on the regional forum with a union suffers from 2,3,4. 10 posts ago an ASA guy was saying he was reprimanded for a safety issue... that would be 6. So it looks like ALPA doesn't address any of these issues better than SKYW.
Hey SKYW go union. I have noticed here on the Flight Info there are few Skywest pilots and even fewer complaints. I bet that number skyrockets once you get a union.

Well, the next level of understanding is unions are resources not services.

As far as regional pilots, when you got SJS or you think you are going to a better place ones current environement doesn't seem matter...

At the regional level I've seen ALPA keep management in check.

Keep in mind, SKYW management knows where the line is.... and they are constantly checking that against the rest of the unionized industry... IOW SKYW needs unions to keep unions at bay.
Lifted from a thread posted by another Delta pilot is the following recap of what ALPA, with the full support of Duane Woerth wants at NWA.

Post-Rejection Objectives
· Obtain Credit for the $170M/Year in Revenue-Enhancing Concessions
o Includes Credit for SJet Operation and Other Non-Credited
· Eliminate and/or Improve the Most Objectionable Sections of
Rejected TA
o Scope
§ Improve Larger SJ (77-110-seat) to Smaller SJ (51-76-seat) Ratio
§ Establish an Effective Mainline Floor to Prevent Erosion of
§ Transfer Pilot Longevity Credit with Flow Up/Flow Down to SJet
o Pay

Note the following:
  • Small Jet flying is considered a concession to be offset with other items negotiated for the mainline pilots. Applied to us, a penalty should be negotiated against the mainline carrier for every hour flown by a Skywest pilot.
  • ALPA wants the creation of yet another alter ego, now called SJet
  • At SJet Northwest pilots have super senioirty over the other pilots hired.
  • ALPA wants to limit smaller jet flying
Also note that if you are a small jet pilot who believes that you should have a voice to negotiate your pay and working conditions with your employer the nice guys at Delta like our friend 737Pylt will call you a "scab," hope that they could some how sue you, or in other ways try to harm you for your work trying to build a union that brings employees together to bargain collectively with their employers.

Unfortunately folks like 737Pylt have absolute control within ALPA. There is no process in place to restrain them. If you become ALPA, you will have the pleasure of being represented according to 737Pylt's whims.

One wonders how the Mesaba guys feel about their friends at Northwest who have voted against providing strike benefits to Mesaba pilots, while pushing for an alter ego airline to perform the flying which was flown by Mesaba.

The real reason why 737Pylt and General Lee hate the RJDC with such passion is that the RJDC has been effective in restraining much of the predatory bargaining that has gone on at US Air and Northwest.

The Skywest pilots have been unwitting beneficiaries, but with the ASA purchase you now are getting an introduction to playing in the sandbox with the 900 pound gorilla going by the handle of "DALPA."
I will say this. I signed up for information from ALPA about 6 months ago. I am seriously considering taking my name off that list. I don't believe ALPA is the answer for us here at SkyWest. And I think the organizing commitee (sp?) will have a rude awakening when it comes time to vote. I also know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

I am still not convinced ALPA is worth 2% of my pay.
~~~^~~~ said:
Unfortunately folks like 737Pylt have absolute control within ALPA. There is no process in place to restrain them. If you become ALPA, you will have the pleasure of being represented according to 737Pylt's whims.
You LIE so much, you must be in management training. If you truly believe that, then you have no business piloting an aircraft!

One wonders how the Mesaba guys feel about their friends at Northwest who have voted against providing strike benefits to Mesaba pilots, while pushing for an alter ego airline to perform the flying which was flown by Mesaba.
Again liar, twist the truth. It was ONE person who voted against it!

The real reason why 737Pylt and General Lee hate the RJDC with such passion is that the RJDC has been effective in restraining much of the predatory bargaining that has gone on at US Air and Northwest.

The real reason I hate you guys is that you are all liars (you have yet to tell the truth about anything) and SCABS! Actually, you're worse than scabs, at least scabs wait til you're out of work to do your flying!

The Skywest pilots have been unwitting beneficiaries, but with the ASA purchase you now are getting an introduction to playing in the sandbox with the 900 pound gorilla going by the handle of "DALPA."

And you wonder why your group is hated so much. Even regional pilots that you so called "represent," dispise you and your ilk! Let's face it, your group has NEVER told the truth about anything. Your suit is based upon GREED, plain and simple. People (and I use that term loosely) like you are just plain old "lazy" in this industry. Rather than work for it, you would rather just sue to get what is not yours! Your group has populated lies, and twisted facts that has done nothing but waste my unions hard worked for $$. We have a bigger fight, with management, and you group is nothing more than a flaring hemmoriod that pops up just when you think its safe to sit down. You wouldn't know how to tell the truth if it bit you on the nose, but we've grown to expect that from you. Your "pass benefits" thread is just another example of how you and your group LIES to try to get suckers to feel sorry for your pathetic cause. Our (DL's) scope is the most leniant in the industry, yet you pricks cry wolf! Keep up with your lies, if it makes you happy, so much better for you!
rant over
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