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Skywest ALPA vote prediction?

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So if you want to vote "NO" why bother calling?

Go back and read the Colgan threads from right after the vote. See how many comments you see about "only 50% even bothered to vote? What a bunch of apathetic bastards!" Most people don't understand that a non-vote is a "NO" vote. They simply assume that the pilots are a bunch of lazy SOBs who couldn't be bothered to take part in their career. It simply looks bad. When a press release goes out that says "with 55% of the Skywest pilots participating, the results were...." it just doesn't make the profession look good. Even if the vote has to go down as a NO, I'd rather it happen with a 90% voter turnout than a 50% turnout. I want to see pilots involved in their careers, and sadly, most regional pilots seem to just want to sit around and wait for their call from a major. That's exactly what is wrong with the regionals.
I can't wait for this crap to finally be over, either way I'm tired of getting all these damn emails!!!
Go back and read the Colgan threads from right after the vote. See how many comments you see about "only 50% even bothered to vote? What a bunch of apathetic bastards!" Most people don't understand that a non-vote is a "NO" vote. They simply assume that the pilots are a bunch of lazy SOBs who couldn't be bothered to take part in their career. It simply looks bad. When a press release goes out that says "with 55% of the Skywest pilots participating, the results were...." it just doesn't make the profession look good. Even if the vote has to go down as a NO, I'd rather it happen with a 90% voter turnout than a 50% turnout. I want to see pilots involved in their careers, and sadly, most regional pilots seem to just want to sit around and wait for their call from a major. That's exactly what is wrong with the regionals.

I agree with you on this wholeheartedly, really I do. The problem is that there is no easy option to vote no. Yes, the write-in option works, but I find it absurd that there just isn't an option that says "If you wish to vote against representation, please press 3."

Why would that be so hard? Then the vote would actually measure two things:

Who won and voter turn out.

No matter what the result, let's all continue to work together for change. That's the result I'm interested in.


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I agree with you on this wholeheartedly, really I do. The problem is that there is no easy option to vote no. Yes, the write-in option works, but I find it absurd that their just isn't an option that says "If you wish to vote against representation, please press 3."

Well then it just wouldn't be a bloated, convoluted, government bureaucracy. We certainly can't have that. ;)
PCL 128,

Pilots who don't vote are participating! It's the truest way to vote no the way the system is currently set up.

So you see there is good news. Whichever way the vote turns out SkyWest will have had 100% participation.
This is amazing! I've learned so much! The supporters have said it will pass and the detractors have said it will fail. I can't believe it. :rolleyes:
There are too many newbies at Skywest who believe every word spoken by management/SAPA. Soon they will learn.

They should just start teaching in kindergarden that whatever comes out of management's mouth at (most) companies is a lie.

So if you want to vote "NO" why bother calling?

Because we are Americans and we live in a democractic society. To rejecting voting is to reject democracy. Maybe you want to move to Cuba and fly jets there....

I caught a snipet of Defense Sec Gates commencement speech in USAToday. So I sourced the entire speech.​

As workers Corp America is a totalitarian regime. There is only one choice. Work or quit. There is no due process, no say. Has your company ever asked for and seriously considered your imput on policy that significantly effected you? Maybe, but that is few are far between. Unions, in this country, however, are democracies. They are self government.​

Currently, union democracy particaption rates are in line with American culture. About 30% of Americans and union members bother to participate in the lection of thier representatives.​

Is democracy in union activities un-American? As Americans do we not have duty to embrace and sustain democracy regardless of the organization that uses democracy?​

Here is the link for the full speech. I've cut and paste a portion. The first paragraph below applies to the future of the Air Line Pilot profession via union democracy.​

Plato: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.​

While volunteering for a good cause is important, it is not enough. This country will only survive and progress as a democracy if its citizens—young and old alike—take an active role in its political life as well.​

Sad to say, that precious franchise, purchased and preserved by the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans your age and younger from 1776 to today, has not been adequately appreciated or exercised by your generation.​

In 2004, with our nation embroiled in two difficult and controversial wars, the voting percentage was only 42 percent for those aged 18 to 24.​

Ed Muskie, former senator and Secretary of State, once said that “you have the God given right to kick the government around.” And it starts with voting, and becoming involved in campaigns. If you think that too many politicians are feckless and corrupt, then go out and help elect different ones. Or go out and run yourself. But you must participate, or else the decisions that affect your life and the future of our country will be made for you—and without you.

So vote. And volunteer. But also consider doing something else: dedicating at least part of your life in service to our country.​

I entered public life more than 40 years ago, and no one is more familiar with the hassles, frustrations and sacrifices of public service than I am. Government is, by design of the Founding Fathers, slow, unwieldy and almost comically inefficient. Will Rogers used to say: “I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.”​

These frustrations are inherent in a system of checks and balances, of divisions and limitations of power. Our Founding Fathers did not have efficiency as their primary goal. They designed a system intended to sustain and protect liberty for the ages. Getting things done in government is not easy, but it’s not supposed to be.

I will close with a quote from a letter John Adams sent to one of their other sons, Thomas Boylston Adams. And he wrote:“Public business, my son, must always be done by somebody. It will be done by somebody or another. If wise men decline it, others will not; if honest men refuse it, others will not.”

Will the wise and the honest among you come help us serve the American people?​

PCL 128,

Pilots who don't vote are participating! It's the truest way to vote no the way the system is currently set up.

So you see there is good news. Whichever way the vote turns out SkyWest will have had 100% participation.

Be careful with choosing not to choose... Yes it is a choice... but it also a message....

If you choose 'no' at least management knows you know how to think for yourself...

A yes vote is for democracy

A No vote is for dicatorship and rejection of the pilot profession

Not voting is quite frighting... it is the total relinquishing of free will and choice.

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