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Coming from a regional FO, this means about nothing. So while these military guys are waiting for the better carriers to call they cant have jobs? Good on them, an Airbus type and a job while they wait for their shot at FedEx or whatever their choice may be.....good for them! Options are a good thing
Are you saying that because he is a regional FO he does not know anything about the airline industry?
well in THIS case.....it seems so, since the person posting seems to claim " its what is wrong with this industry" but flies 50 + seat JETS for less than ANY mainline carrier.....I am sure your justification will follow....having fun flying AA's old routes for a fraction of the mainline pay?

I am not trying to be rude or purposly tick you off....no flame here....but seriously, how can anyone at a regional dare throw stones at a Skybus pilot....I think the above word definition, in the last post applies :)

sorry if I ruffled your little feathers.....relAAx
The regionals all have pretty similar payscales. There is no regional airline flying 50-seat jets for half of what the other regionals are getting paid. Your analogy doesn't work.
did you READ?

the comparison by me and others posting is :

MAINLINE ....read again ......nice try
did you READ?

the comparison by me and others posting is :

MAINLINE ....read again ......nice try

Show me a mainline carrier that flies 50- or 70-seat jets. You can't compare the regionals to the mainline carriers when they fly completely different equipment types.
If that suits you
Looking for better, let compare.
A 10 year Eagle CA who flies a 50 seater gets paid 72 dollars an hour
A 10 year AA CA who flies a 777 makes 199 dollars an hour.
The 777 has 223 seats, exactly 4.46 times the number of the fifty seater. According to your logic we would only be under cutting the captain if he was making more then 321 dollars an hour.

If we truly get paid by seats, then the regional pilots are getting a much better deal.
well in THIS case.....it seems so, since the person posting seems to claim " its what is wrong with this industry" but flies 50 + seat JETS for less than ANY mainline carrier.....I am sure your justification will follow....having fun flying AA's old routes for a fraction of the mainline pay?

If mainline hadn't thought 50 seat jets beneath them, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
DITTO !!!....

As unionized employees we as a group need to change,....or it will never stop !

As per the definition of scab, (period).

As was mentioned in a previous post, NWA contract did not enhance the airline pilot profession, it sent it back. I voted no along with 40 % of the pilot group. However, ALPA, specifically our senior pilots drove the yes vote by attaching the PWA to the pension. And the senior pilots walk away with their 12000/month pensions while a junior pilot enjoys a 100/month pension ! NWA ALPA dropped the ball on this one.

As a profession we need to "draw a line in the sand, and begin to take it back, at some point or we are doomed to repeat the past mistakes made by our profession.

Skybus pilots are hopefully the bottom of the industry.

So hopefully as a , we begin to rebuild our profession as a unified group, and act like a union.

Any pilot who takes a job at a undercutting airline, paying substandard wages should be viewed as a scab, because eventually they will pull all wages down towards their level.

So CAL newhires are Scabs? Skybus FO's start out at a higher wage than CAL FO's. I think they even make more than NWA and UPS new hire FO's. I guess they are Scabs too? :rolleyes:
So CAL newhires are Scabs? Skybus FO's start out at a higher wage than CAL FO's. I think they even make more than NWA and UPS new hire FO's. I guess they are Scabs too? :rolleyes:

good point, basiclly some people are scared of others who agressively pursue their careers and do what they have to .....I WILL NEVER cross a picket line....but I WILL agressively do what I have to to get hired at the carrier of my choice ahead of others.....its called competition and its as American as Apple pie... :)

Anyone who works harder than some of these guys to get ahead is a scab....I could care less what they think.

you can call me whatever you want, but I will do what I have to do...and I will state AGAIN crossing a picket line is NOT an option....but getting an edge on others....welcome to a VERY competetive industry....its how it is , Im not here to make others happy with puppy dogs and ice cream....when i get to the carrier of my choice....THEN its time for UNITY! because THAT is where it counts!

Unions are a great thing at the Majors.....but regionals....they are a complete conflict of intrest and only are about the dues.

Fire away! I will be sitting here and laughing :)

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