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Skybus Toast

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Some Dubious Moments in Aviation History:

- Marshall Ferdinand Foch rejects out-of-hand the military application of aviation

- Closed wing airliner

- Unducted Turbofan

- The ornithopter

- Pilots turn their backs on their profession (and some even leave NJA) to become flight control manipulators and water monkeys at Skybus
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I was on the NC stuck at ALPA national in seperate rooms and allowed to communicate with the NC of PSA and ALG on the phone even though we were in the same building. Is that specific enough for you? PDT had to call in the police to show up at EWN and take our ID badge when we showed for work, how about that? what did you do?
Good for you, although the "calling of the police" is a little dramatic. The only time I've known that to happen is if someone is a security threat... or it's done to everyone because they have to be escorted out of the SIDA area once their badge is removed.

You know well what I've done for airTran, you commented on it when it first happened. If you don't remember, do a search. I'm a contract hostage who needed a job... and didn't even bother applying to Skybus.

Yes skybus is the same as AT. People went to skybus to make them a better place to work just like you went to AT to make them a better place.
OK. Keep smoking that crack. I believe you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone here to agree with you, just like they can't agree with you on your idea that any airline acquired or merged with Southwest would have to interview for their jobs or get kicked to the curb, but more on that later.

By the way SWA does not have any scabs so you dont have to worry about me since I already work there.
Yes, I know, and more than one of your coworkers has apologized for you and the weird stuff you've come out with on this board.

And as far as I know, Southwest used to have at least 2 scabs that I know of. Maybe they've retired by now...

All I was saying was to have some compation for the pilots. You want to take it as something else be my guest. Keep laughing at the demise of people's jobs, what goes around comes around!
The word is "compassion", and I've already remarked repeatedly about feeling sorry for the FAMILIES of those pilots.

But your words ring false, as your repeated statements on anyone merged or acquired by Southwest should have to re-interview for their job or get kicked to the curb. How do you reconcile the fact that you would celebrate someone losing their job because they had to re-interview for it with you not wanting to celebrate the demise of a carrier that had wages less than 1/2 that of the LOWEST paid Airbus operator?

Both pilots would lose jobs, yet you'd welcome one but not the other?

Google search "hypocrite" and get back to me... :rolleyes:
Lear, where are you getting your retirement numbers? I'm not buying your AAI and JBLU numbers.
AAI numbers are straight from the NPA and our seniority list on a monthly basis. JB numbers are from a good friend of mine who's helping organize the union drive. There's a couple AAI instructors who want to come back, but the contract doesn't allow for them to come back as CA's so none of them have... yet.

I've seen CAL posts indicating that retirements have decreased significantly - there are even over 60 sim instructors returning to the line! So your CAL retirement comments don't match up with what CAL pilots are reporting.
I've seen mentioning of those sim instructors, but I haven't seen anything that says ALL 60 are returning, just that they can and SOME of them are. The numbers I'm hearing and yours aren't matching up.

What are the percentages of over 60 retiring at each airline? At United it's running at around 10%. AMR had a spike due to the structure of their retirement payout, but I bet that they'll flatline once the stock price stabilizes. Over 60 pilots are returning to Southwest, getting priority in hiring. I'd bet that very few retirements are occurring at USAirways. I have yet to read, other than your post, that most pilots are retiring at 60.
I didn't say "most", I said "many". Most carriers that still have pensions have many pilots choosing to take their money and go home. The ones that don't are the ones that are staying.

Which is exactly what the bill was designed to do; allow them to continue working to shore up their retirement and continue earning money until their social security can be drawn with no penalty and they are able to draw on medicare.

Again, the age 60+ pilots are not the reason that furloughs will likely happen at some carriers. Sun Country is the only carrier I know of that has even started furloughing pilots and they do that every year anyway. When the furloughs start, get back to me and let me know how many that are DIRECTLY contributed to age 65.

You're taking my comments about your father way too personal. I pointed it out because that's the reason why you support age 65. ... you also conveniently forgot to mention his savings and investment strategy prior to retirement. And yes, you have told your dad's story, including his investments.
No, I haven't told the full story, just pieces of it. And you WERE being directly personal as an attack, and I quote:

Now, care to share your dad's story? Guys like him are a BIG part of the problem. The difference between his behavior and the guy on the bottom of the list going to work at Skybus is, well, he wasn't at the bottom of the list.
You attacked his "behavior", linked it to the same sort of people who would take a job at Skybus (even though he could have applied in the last several months since age 65 was signed and DIDN'T), and said that "guys like him are a BIG part of the problem".

If you don't think that's a personal attack, you need to re-assess your definition.

It'll be interesting to see the outrage from guys at the bottom of the seniority list toward 65 as they get furloughed. I've got the feeling that the law of unintended consequences will be in full force where the new furloughees will end up working for sub-Skybus wages and drag down the entire industry payscales.
Not going to happen, but the alarmist drama is quite amusing.

No one in their right mind would even ATTEMPT to start up a carrier with $100+ a brl oil and the economy in full recessionary mode.

I'm certain that there will be a few who are angry to be on the streets, look at the age 60+ guys and cry foul, and I'm not saying they don't have a right to be angry (I've been on the streets three times now, I know, it sucks). But that's the risk we take righting a wrong that never should have existed.

But then again, we've taken a thread that wasn't about age 65 and turned it into one. Every thread always devolves after page 10 to either a flaming war, an age 60 debate, a rant against ALPA, or a flame on Skybus/Mesa, or a combination of some or all of those things.
OK, that's United. What about airTran? 5-10 a month before age 65, now 5-10 anyway. Same with JB, and the numbers at CAL are pretty steady on attrition as well.

You might check your facts next time.

AAI numbers are straight from the NPA and our seniority list on a monthly basis. JB numbers are from a good friend of mine who's helping organize the union drive.


I will guarantee you that there are not 5-10 people a month retiring at JB. Your good freind is either wrong or........well let's just say he's wrong! You might want to check your facts next time.

I will guarantee you that there are not 5-10 people a month retiring at JB. Your good freind is either wrong or........well let's just say he's wrong! You might want to check your facts next time.
And how would I go about doing that?

That's the information I have. It comes directly from an employee at JB. I don't have a hotline to corporate up in NY,,,

I know JB hired a lot of younger guys who were furloughed, and that they're a young airline to begin with, which probably throws them out of the pot for discussion of retirements anyway...
Um, good for you I guess? What's your point? Maybe you should look at GIA's safety record. Perfect.

His point is that our company spends millions of dollars a year on airlining our crews around the country and GIA is on a small list of airlines that we don't trust with the safety of our crews.
Exactly. And I have looked at GIA's safety record -- it's not "flawless," and I'm not impressed. While there haven't been any pilot-caused crashes (yet), there have been numerous maintenance incidents that don't exactly give me confidence in the operator. (The two involving elevator trim cables give me particular cause for concern. The nosegear collapse and the engine failure don't help either.)
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This may be a different era, but you are still the biggest toolbag around here, General!

-You are a pathetic fool!

Slow night on myspace? Thanks for contributing!
Quick, now sign out and sign in as jimmy c. corn/jke406 or one of the countless other loser names you have doosh bag!

I just want to clarify that i am nothing but a half arsed pilot that has been turned down by every major carrier that i have interviewed with because of my lack of aviating skills. Since i have been rejected so many times i feel i need to justify my lack of career advancement by coming on here and flaming everyone that has moved on. I admit that i am an embarrassment to all of my fellow XJT pilots and would like to apologize that I represent my pilot group the way that i do. Thanks for your understanding.

Wow i am proud of you Pocono for admitting your position. Thats the first step to recovery. Keep it up.:cool:

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