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Skybus Toast

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Gray issue - choosing to work for sub-par wages in order to enhance ones' career. Skybus - definitely bottom of the barrel on this one. What amazed me is who in their right mind besides a hippy trying to relive the 60s would have any kind of pride flying a giant butterfly on the tail orangish aircraft for 60s level wages not adjusting for inflation over the last 40 years offered all while wearing a forest ranger uniform. Clownish. I really feel bad for the pilots of Aloha, ATA, and Skyways this week. I feel bad for probably the minority of Skybus pilots who took this job as a last resort (family emergency - needed immediate income/insurance); the complete opportunists (former Mesa or Gojets pilots for example) - hard to sympathize at all.
How about Gulfstream PFT boy?

How about UND and ERAU? These schools are nothing but overpriced puppy farms!!

All these kids getting Daddy and Mommy to fork out huge amounts of cash so they can make embarrassing 'Top Gun' movies, join demo teams and get a shiney sticker on their resume...

No one needs a degree to fly for an airline... but everyone body does it... so we all have to do it...

If everybody flew for the 'Stream then we'd all have to do it.

If everybody flew Airbus' for 65K we'd all have to do it.

So where does that put the UND/ERAU guys?
How about UND and ERAU? These schools are nothing but overpriced puppy farms!!

All these kids getting Daddy and Mommy to fork out huge amounts of cash so they can make embarrassing 'Top Gun' movies, join demo teams and get a shiney sticker on their resume...

No one needs a degree to fly for an airline... but everyone body does it... so we all have to do it...

If everybody flew for the 'Stream then we'd all have to do it.

If everybody flew Airbus' for 65K we'd all have to do it.

So where does that put the UND/ERAU guys?

Because as an airline captain, you are the manager of an aircraft and are directly responsible for its operation. A college education will make you a better rounded individual ready to take on those tasks. A 4 year degree also provides a background to get out of aviation for awhile should you be furloughed from an ethical carrier instead of chasing the lowest common denominator to remain in this career because you have no other education in any other area what so ever to fall back on. As to ERAU, I will agree going there today at their astronomical prices to a school that lacks in quality of non-aviation courses is not a good idea even if parents have a slush fund to pay for it. But it's way more respectable than Gulfstream.
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"A college education will make you a better rounded individual ready to take on those tasks"

Wrong! A degree is a check mark on the app my friend.

Because as an airline captain, you are the manager of an aircraft and are directly responsible for its operation. A college education will make you a better rounded individual ready to take on those tasks. A 4 year degree also provides a background to get out of aviation for awhile should you be furloughed from an ethical carrier instead of chasing the lowest common denominator to remain in this career because you have no other education in any other area what so ever to fall back on. As to ERAU, I will agree going there today at their astronomical prices to a school that lacks in quality of non-aviation courses is not a good idea even if parents have a slush fund to pay for it. But it's way more respectable than Gulfstream.

Not really convinced....

I say parents do a better job of preparing a pilot to be a Capt.... not a 100,000 school loan....

I don't have a problem with Gulfstream... it is no more an accelerator than college, or 10,000K turboprop jobs in the late 1990's or SWA.... College, Gulfstream, buying a turboprop job, or SWA doesn't lower pay rates and compensation via CBA's.

Look this is America... where the dollar is king and competition is fierce. If someone can get a head start playing the economic American game... then so be it. And when someone uses economic American rules, we chide them for it... seems a double standard.

What about prestige schools like Yale and Harvard. Buy a Harvard degree and you can get any job you want...

The big problem is we chide PFT'ers and management uses that division to conquer us.

We judge all types... women, blacks, black women, foreigners, PFT'ers, LCCers, jB, SWA, etc....

Our fellow pilot is our fellow pilot. If you want to judge a pilot judge them on thier actions AFTER they get the job......
How about UND and ERAU? These schools are nothing but overpriced puppy farms!!

All these kids getting Daddy and Mommy to fork out huge amounts of cash so they can make embarrassing 'Top Gun' movies, join demo teams and get a shiney sticker on their resume...

No one needs a degree to fly for an airline... but everyone body does it... so we all have to do it...

If everybody flew for the 'Stream then we'd all have to do it.

If everybody flew Airbus' for 65K we'd all have to do it.

So where does that put the UND/ERAU guys?

REZ...please put down the water bong before making another post like that.

ERAU/UND are a far cry from pseudo scabbing at Gulfstream. What is more though, the numero uno FI Hypocrite runs his mouth a little to loudly considering his background.
Even if you don't agree with the skybus concept how can you cheer for their demise. More unemployed pilots. Shame on you!!!!

Because they are bottom feeding whores. That is why. At some point you have to walk away from the career if you cannot earn a fair wage with reasonable work rules. So shame on me. Skybus Buh Bye go fly rubber dog sh!t out of Hong Kong.
REZ...please put down the water bong before making another post like that.

ERAU/UND are a far cry from pseudo scabbing at Gulfstream. What is more though, the numero uno FI Hypocrite runs his mouth a little to loudly considering his background.

Why is UND/ERAU not as bad as GA? What do these schools do that an FBO and a degree via community college and a local univeristy can't, except require cash payout... just like GA. But you tell me how you see it...........

So its ok to judge Gulfstreamers cause they went there... but bad to judge your abilities to fly and get jobs based on your gender? got it....

Pot meet kettle...???

He was harsh... and apologized. He also has said GA was a mistake. He was young and dumb... Like all of us.... Have you done anything dumb when you were young? I have... he did... and he has the ability to admit it... Can you?
Not really convinced....

I say parents do a better job of preparing a pilot to be a Capt.... not a 100,000 school loan....

I don't have a problem with Gulfstream... it is no more an accelerator than college, or 10,000K turboprop jobs in the late 1990's or SWA.... College, Gulfstream, buying a turboprop job, or SWA doesn't lower pay rates and compensation via CBA's.

Look this is America... where the dollar is king and competition is fierce. If someone can get a head start playing the economic American game... then so be it. And when someone uses economic American rules, we chide them for it... seems a double standard.

What about prestige schools like Yale and Harvard. Buy a Harvard degree and you can get any job you want...

The big problem is we chide PFT'ers and management uses that division to conquer us.

We judge all types... women, blacks, black women, foreigners, PFT'ers, LCCers, jB, SWA, etc....

Our fellow pilot is our fellow pilot. If you want to judge a pilot judge them on thier actions AFTER they get the job......

You judge ERAU and UND grads and then come back with asking for an utopia scenario of a judgment-free world. If some bozo offered to fly a 747 for free or pay to fly it for the ultimate in shiny jet syndrome at an airline would you be so understanding? Oh, but I should wait AFTER they get the job to judge in that hypothetical situation. Hardly a black/white issue, more shades of gray and comparing PFT at Southwest with monster wages to PFT at Gulfstream is like comparing a light rain shower cloud to a dark thundercloud. There's a sliding scale of ethics and worse than average equals poor character. That's why I personally never would choose mortgage broker as a backup career.

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