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Skybus Toast

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PCL did your daddy pay for u to fly in a B1900 at GulfStream?

He is a whore who sold himself out to make a measly $8.00/hr after having daddy/mommy spend the $18,000+ to allow him to yank the gear at Gulfstream. If anyone should keep there mouth shut and fukcin run it should be him. He is a disgrace, a whore, and the last person who has any credibility within this industry to make even elementary comments. Once a whore always a whore, now his big APLO stance! Can it get any better?
Remember this guys.... A little humility goes a long ways. I hate to say it, but we could ALL be in trouble if gas stays like it is. I don't care if you work for AAI, LUV, DAL, or anyone. At gas prices over $100 a barrel we better all learn to work together otherwise there will be more pilots on the street. While Im not upset to see Skybus go, I do feel a little bad for the people who lost their jobs. However, you sleep in the bed you make, and those guys knew their chances. So no, I don't really feel sorry for them. If their business model would have worked it would have dragged down the industry even more. Trust me, there will be more people on the streets, but maybe, just maybe this is the beginning of the shakeup the industry has needed to lower capacity so airlines will have some pricing control... BTW.. My prediction is that in a couple years there will be no more "low fair" airlines... Just airlines trying to make money, and pilots trying to make a living.... Lets hope it gets better, because I have 29 years left of this crap till I retire at....
How about Gulfstream PFT boy?

:blush: He will be a lifer at AirTran. Don't they say once a whore always a whore?:beer: Imagine him explaining his past and whoring himself out in front of a senior salt on the interview panel at a DAL, UAL, SWA, etc. Fortunately one cannot erase a past and for him most read his takes with a relatively large grain of salt.

Consider the source. Best of luck to these guys who fell victim to bad management, current state of the industry, and all other variables considered. The A-319 type should allow you to move on.
Not responding to the slams... Except for you 'cause you're so far off base that you need a reality check,,,

Over 60% of the seniority list at airTran had nothing to do with the current contract; they weren't there when it was negotiated. Not to mention, the current CBA is a HUGE improvement over the last contract and has several industry-LEADING components in it, including a reserve PAY system that every other airline wishes they had).

As far as telling me that I'M at fault for airTran "lowering the bar"... wrong frakking guy. I'm on the street because I busted my butt to RAISE the bar.

You can trash my lack of discretion last night (which I already apologized for), but you're barking up the wrong tree when accusing me of "lowering the bar". I'm on the street for my efforts. What have YOU done to improve the industry? Be specific.

p.s. Weren't you banned last month? Thought it was permanent...

you want specific alright. I fought for a contract at piedmont and almost went on strike because of it. what else do you want. I was not trying to slam you but you did go to work for airtran. you can say all you want about what you tried to do once you got there but the fact still remains the same...you went.
You are preaching yourself about not going to skybus, virgin etc but you went to the same place just a diff. name.
Airtran was Valujet, valuejet was a scab airline guess were you went work. You want to talk trash go ahead but you cant blame the guys that went to skybus for a chance at a job and a future!
you want specific alright. I fought for a contract at piedmont and almost went on strike because of it. what else do you want.
You fought? Personally? What position did you hold in the MEC? Which pilots did you organize? When were you at the table in negotiations? What papers did you personally publish to educate and solidify your group? "Almost" went on strike? Is that like "almost" getting a good contract?

I was not trying to slam you
Yes, you were. You were very direct about it, don't try to equivocate it now...

but you did go to work for airtran. you can say all you want about what you tried to do once you got there but the fact still remains the same...you went.
Yep. Same as you went to Piedmont. Although I'd argue in saying they're two different animals altogether.

Point is, you don't have any business casting stones when your foundation is made of glass.

You are preaching yourself about not going to skybus, virgin etc but you went to the same place just a diff. name. Airtran was Valujet, valuejet was a scab airline guess were you went work. You want to talk trash go ahead but you cant blame the guys that went to skybus for a chance at a job and a future!
Are you smoking crack?

airTran is the same as Skybus? With pay rates and work rules DOUBLE that of Skybus? I'm not saying airTran rates don't need to come up, but you're smoking some serious herbs to put them on the same playing field.

Not to mention the whole "scab" stone-throwing, when almost every Legacy out there has them. You spew that kind of bullsh*t about CAL, too? I hate scabs, but every carrier has them. According to you, though, no one should go to a carrier that has them, so I expect you to NEVER apply to ANY carrier or company that has ever employed a scab.

Kind of hard to take you seriously when you spout nonsense like that. Try again.
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Airtran was Valujet, valuejet was a scab airline guess were you went work.
You might want to compare your own seniority list against the SCAB list. I think you'd be surprised out the amount of names you'd find.

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