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SIOUX (anti-GJ rally)

  • Thread starter mnalpha
  • Start date
  • Watchers 28

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Turbosnake03 said:
i'll let you in on a little secret.... i don't work at go-jet.... i am just tired of all the b!tching and moaning i read on here. all the TSA guys had a chance to get the flying and didn't take it.

Thank you Turbo, that seems to be something that the TSA guys/gals don't want to talk about.

They themselves created the so called alter ego carrier by voting down the offer to do the flying and now have to live with the consequences.

Now they can hardly stand themselves and have to find someone else to blame.
bristolgone said:
everyone always talks about taking a stand to improve the industry and contract treatment, the TSA pilot group voted no for the B.S. propsosal presented by TSA Holdings. We took a stand eventhough our MEC backhanded us by crawling back and presenting the same prosposal minus the contract extension. point is we were not going to take another slap in the face and further increase the "race to the bottom". So yes we did have a chance to get the flying but we were not going to take it if it meant getting screwed.

I appreciate that one of you guys at least mentions the fact that you were offered the opportunity to get the flying and that even your own MEC didn't do so well by you guys.
Wouldn't you agree that it would have been better for everyone concerned to vote for the proposal minus contract extension, get the flying and a combined seniority list like CHQ, and then negotiate the rates up with the next contract?
I guess it is water under the bridge now and Monday night quarterbacking, but in retrospect it was certainly a mistake.
jetfo said:
Now they can hardly stand themselves and have to find someone else to blame.

Actually most TSA pilots aren't that upset at voting down managment's ultimatum that would've meant taken an effective pay cut (COLA adjustment that's less than inflation=reduction on spending power=paycut) and still not given a satisfactory resolution to the issue. And GJ pilots, enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts, pretty soon you will see exactly what kind of management you are working with. You guys won't get the great contract you think you will.
jetfo said:
I bet after reading your post waterskiheavy is devastated.

Particularly in a couple of years, when he/she will have the PIC time to get hired at a major and you'll still the biatch pulling the gear :-(

Don't you just love the underdog?

I couldn't have paid you to write better posts about g0jet and what a joke you guys are. Keep up the good work and good luck with getting "time".
jetfo said:
I appreciate that one of you guys at least mentions the fact that you were offered the opportunity to get the flying and that even your own MEC didn't do so well by you guys.
Wouldn't you agree that it would have been better for everyone concerned to vote for the proposal minus contract extension, get the flying and a combined seniority list like CHQ, and then negotiate the rates up with the next contract?
I guess it is water under the bridge now and Monday night quarterbacking, but in retrospect it was certainly a mistake.

More lies. Complete fabrication about the extension. There was no minus part to the extension.

You are still a g0jet scumbag, and it won't be water under the bridge.
redbook said:
I couldn't have paid you to write better posts about g0jet and what a joke you guys are. Keep up the good work and good luck with getting "time".

Actually, I don't need to get any more time, but thank you!
waterski_heavy said:
Redbook.....what makes you think for a second that I give the least bit of a dang about what a label some whiney, crybaby, bitter, sour puss, resentful, angry, hate my life, unbearable to be around, loser of a human being thinks.


Easy buddy, why so angry? I am quite happy and just letting you know that you have affected the tsa pilot group and we will make sure that whatever we can do to harm your career now and in the future, we will do so.

Don't get whiney about it though!
some refresher for you...this is what g0jet is all about.

ALPA President to Trans States Management: We'll Cooperate, but We're Not Backing Down
ST LOUIS, MO - The head of the union that represents pilots at St. Louis-based Trans States Airlines today told pilots at a rally at Lambert Airport that the union is taking a carrot-and-stick approach to resolving labor issues at the airline.
"I have come here today to personally issue a public challenge to your management to alter the course that they have taken in dealing with their pilots," said Capt. Duane Woerth, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, International, in remarks prepared for the rally.
"I have come to challenge them to work cooperatively with our union to help build this airline for the future. And I have come to offer to help promote new business opportunities for this airline and new job opportunities for its ALPA pilots. I am convinced that, together, we can build Trans States into a strong, solid company for decades to come," Woerth said.
"I have also come here to draw public attention to the fact that, sadly, our efforts to discuss the issues before us in cooperation with the company have, to date, met with little to no success. Using only the most tenuous thread of justification, Trans States management has sought to create an alter-ego carrier that they intend to staff with pilots not sheltered by an ALPA-bargained contract," he said.
"In response to this tactic, we have been forced to file a grievance concerning this alter-ego carrier, because management has made it clear that ************************* exists solely to evade ALPA and the TSA-ALPA agreement. The clearest proof? Management's premature and illegal attempt to install a separate union before ************************* employs any pilots or begins operations.
redbook said:
More lies. Complete fabrication about the extension. There was no minus part to the extension.

You are still a g0jet scumbag, and it won't be water under the bridge.

Redbook, I keep telling you guys, I like some others that post here don't work for GJ! We just don't agree with some of the nonsense some of you TSA guys and those that you have coopted are spreading and we will speak up against it.

You guys need to get a life, get your upgrade and time whereever you are and move on. A dump regional is just that and there is no point wasting any more time or effort there than you have to.

It began with your stupid jumpseat war that you tried to instigate, trying get other regional captains to also deny jumpseats to GJ pilots. I say other regional captains, because no mainline captain would support this, or care. They just want to get back and forth to work on whomever.

Then you guys that do the bashing and are militant about denying jumpseats to GJ pilots have the audacity and hipocracy to accept jumpseats with them. And, then you post and boast about it on this board.

This jumpseat war almost cost you your own jumpseat rights, you have ALPA national on your ass and have Woerthless and crew threatening with fines and denouncing it to your MEC and in Air Line Pilot. Perhaps I should quote some of this since some who offer this insightful commentary are newbies, not ALPA or even fly for any airline.

Now you are pestering the folks in the placement department at UND that are charged with finding positions for their new grads that just spent a fortune of money, or more likely their parent's money at UND. Yeah, you guys are "right" (not!), they should turn down a job at GJ, and perhaps go with a better outfit like Mesa or any of the other crappy regionals out there.

And, of course, if you only deprive GJ of pilots through your campaign, they will shut down, right! Are you guys all nuts?

Most of you guys/gals got your first regional jet job offered on a platter with 300-1000 hours, unlike some of those that have been around a bit longer when it took lots of experience and several thousand hours to get there. Give me a break!

Negotiations like those you had with TSA holdings have taken place at other airlines, most accepted concessions and less than favorable contract provisions to get or keep the flying in house. TSA's MEC and pilot group did not! Your mistake, game over!


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