I agree, that's not exactly right.Let's see...ALPA fouled up the seniority integration, rejected SWA pay rates, rejected a fence for AT guys, rejected 850 captain seats, got embarrassed after a pathetic do-over attempt in the DRC arbitration, and now ALPA has decided it's time for SWAPA to take over.
To be more exact, ALPA leadership fouled up the seniority integration, rejected SWA pay rates on behalf of AT pilots, rejected a fence for AT guys on behalf of AT pilots, rejected captain seats for 850 AT captains on behalf of AT pilots, and rejected furlough protection on behalf of AT pilots, but ALPA leadership unanimously accepted a seniority integration deal with none of those features and virtually no improvement in seniority, then embarrassed itself with a pathetic do-over attempt in the DRC arbitration in which the arbitrator noted that all of the remedies sought had been available to ALPA but rejected by ALPA leadership without allowing AT pilots to vote on them, and now ALPA leadership has decided it's time for SWAPA to take over.
That's way more exactly right.