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Should I blow another $15,00 for BS degree?

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Delta will not even look at you without a 4 year degree. Best friend played pro hockey and hurt himself. Now in aviation but didn't finish his degree. No matter who I talked to and all the strings I pulled he could not get an interview without that darn degree. Too bad, he's a great guy to hang out with and good stick. Make sure your degree is from a "real" school. Some degree factory's are not accepted as a legitimate 4 year degree from many major corporations.
I'd say pay off the debt first, then look into the degree. When the debt is paid off if you can convert your 2 year into a BS for 15K then I would say do it (especially if it is a BS in something outside of aviation).

I'd recommend the BS not so much for getting on with a major but for some future job prospects outside of aviation down the road if something bad happens (lost medical or regional going tit up ect.)

WRT a 2 year and a major airline, I think your chances are just fine with the 2 year. At this point in your career if you interview with a major I would assume that the HR people would weigh your professional history (121 pic, checkride/job history and recommendations) and interview performance way more than an extra 2 years of school.


1. pay off bills
2. if you can "convert" that 2 year into a BS (outside of aviation) for say less than 20K (and not go into debt) do it, but again not for the job at a major but for your own good in case you can't fly for some reason.


I already have a 2 year degree, am a Captain at a regional, 1000+ 121 PIC time. When (and if) anyone starts hiring again, do you think I'll need a four year degree to get hired?

Yes. When you are competing with other applicants, you'll have one less "check" than other with the 4 year. Things can come down to the smallest margin.

Agree with the rest, not in aviation. If you need to pay down debt first, sign up for 1 class a semester just to get back in and start the ball rolling.
Is the OP an RJ captain? If so, it seems like a bit of a lifestyle change is in order. Not only does he need to pay off debt, but he needs to come up with $15K to finish his degree. Once that's finished, now he wants to move on to a major? There's a good chance he'll be making less his first two years there than he is now. Unless he gets real, and cuts his lifestyle back, he's going to fall deeper and deeper into debt.

I think it's great that the OP has a goal of staying in FL and working for either WN or B6. They both seem like good companies to work for. Upgrade times and individual experience with qol vary. You also have to realize that even good candidates don't get on with their first choice airline, or they don't get on with their first choice airline their first try.

I definitely agree if you're going to fly for a living and you're under 40, then a major airline should be your goal. To accomplish that goal you need a 4 year degree. This nonsense that you don't need a degree or you need a masters is bs. A vast majority of major airline pilots have only a BS. There is a small percentage with a 2 year degree or no degree, and an almost equal percentage with a graduate degree.
ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST! That is one less applicant for the job in the next hiring wave. Good luck, farewell, and adios.

Yeah, I opened up a spot for you in the 121 World. Have at it!
Oh, but I also filled one spot in a 91/135 job that you could only dream of.
Delta will not even look at you without a 4 year degree. Best friend played pro hockey and hurt himself. Now in aviation but didn't finish his degree. No matter who I talked to and all the strings I pulled he could not get an interview without that darn degree. Too bad, he's a great guy to hang out with and good stick. Make sure your degree is from a "real" school. Some degree factory's are not accepted as a legitimate 4 year degree from many major corporations.

Chances are those strings you thought you had, were only noodles.
Maybe he didn't get hired because of your recommendation? Because I know a former DAL guy (furloughed and never went back) who never had a 4yr degree.
not required at JB

A bs degree will be helpful for jetblue..... if you are smart you should get something that is not in the aviation feild. You will have a back up!!! two birds with one stone sort of thing
I know too many guys at JB without degrees, its kinda like SWA, not having is not a show stopper for a sharp pilot. But you should probably get one on the side, you might want to apply at DAL, or AAL at sometime in the future. There the degree counts more than being a sharp pilot.
But you should probably get one on the side, you might want to apply at DAL... at sometime in the future. There the degree counts more than being a sharp pilot.

Along with being the double breasted suit, hat wearing, harmonica totting nazis!
Thanks for all the replies. Although I agree w many that a degree outside aviation would be ideal I don't have the time or money to start all over again. Trying to get a four year degree part time while working to support and raise a family; I'd be ready to retire when I got that new degree. My best option for now is to take the 2 yr degree I have (aviation maintenance) and get credit for it toward an aviation science degree. I do have an A&P license to fall back on should I need it. Anyway, in this economy a four year degree is about as valuable as an ATP. There are lots of highly educated Starbucks baristas out there. The best thing for me to do at this time is to stick with the career that I already have education and experience in, even if it's not the best field to be in right now. Military; great idea if your young, I'm too old. As far as a lifestyle change; I'm very responsible w money. Other than a mortgage and student loans I have no debt and fully funded retirement funds and lots of cash in the bank. I live below my means and would pay for any school w cash. The problem is (listen up all you future pilot dreamers!) I went to one of those shiny aviation academies back in the day and my school loans are quite large. I'm working on paying them down but it will take a long time while my income is pretty much capped at $75,000 at my current job. I'm aware I'll take a pay cut when I go somewhere else but I have the resources to absorb that. I just need to find out if I can get on with another carrier w what I have. I really don't want to kill myself trying to take night classes and I could get a good return on that $15 grand in investments, not sure if the 4 yr degree would actually get a return on my investment. I'm aware that places like DAL and AAL require 4 yrs but I don't know if I'd ever be up for that much abuse (commuting to reserve for many years). I guess what I need to do is post this on the majors board and see how many guys got on with / without 4 yrs of school.

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