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Screw TSA This Sucks

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Exactly xj. Thanks for explaining it. I think that the more flight delays there are, the sooner we can get this over with and do what flight crews are supposed to do.
Make those detectors beep 12 times per crew member. Forget about removing your keys, cell phone, belt, etc.... Start wearing A LOT of metal. Hang a set of keys off your johnson so they will have to into the back and do a full search.

Don't take off your shoes, thus requiring a wand search. EVERY TIME!!

The sooner we do this the sooner it ends
This all sounds well and good, the CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, but it's going to bite us: Instead of changing the rule, or somehow coming up with a compromise, we as crewmembers will simply be required to show up even earlier. Then, when we are late because of the TSA, we will be reminded that we have been required to show up earlier, on our own UNPAID time.

Think about it: how is showing up late going to sway the thinking of management? What's the easiest, cheapest solution? Make the flight crew culpable for the time they spend in line waiting on the TSA morons.

It will simply be a matter of time until we get a new bulletin dictating how far in advance we must show up to deadhead.
The first time I have to do this, I am gonna RIP ONE right in the TSA guys face, and then say "I think I speak on behalf of all pilots with that remark."... and walk off smiling.
This all sounds well and good, the CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, but it's going to bite us: Instead of changing the rule, or somehow coming up with a compromise, we as crewmembers will simply be required to show up even earlier. Then, when we are late because of the TSA, we will be reminded that we have been required to show up earlier, on our own UNPAID time.

Think about it: how is showing up late going to sway the thinking of management? What's the easiest, cheapest solution? Make the flight crew culpable for the time they spend in line waiting on the TSA morons.

It will simply be a matter of time until we get a new bulletin dictating how far in advance we must show up to deadhead.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! You sir, have got the correct insight in this issue. No company will care about how long anyone stands in a TSA line, they'll just have crews show an extra hour early. And, you're right, it will be unpaid.

One more reason to find a new career.
This all sounds well and good, the CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, but it's going to bite us: Instead of changing the rule, or somehow coming up with a compromise, we as crewmembers will simply be required to show up even earlier. Then, when we are late because of the TSA, we will be reminded that we have been required to show up earlier, on our own UNPAID time.

Think about it: how is showing up late going to sway the thinking of management? What's the easiest, cheapest solution? Make the flight crew culpable for the time they spend in line waiting on the TSA morons.

It will simply be a matter of time until we get a new bulletin dictating how far in advance we must show up to deadhead.

They cannot just alter the duty in time at will. This is why you have a contract. When the company changed our dutyin time from 45 minutes to an hour, they had to give us a raise to compensate.
They cannot just alter the duty in time at will. This is why you have a contract. When the company changed our dutyin time from 45 minutes to an hour, they had to give us a raise to compensate.

Sure they can. Didn't we, in times past, get paid for the time it took us to get our SIDA badges? Do we now?

Also, it's been a good long while since we've had a new contract...I wonder if this topic is even something that is considered at the negotiating table...
Sure they can. Didn't we, in times past, get paid for the time it took us to get our SIDA badges? Do we now?

Also, it's been a good long while since we've had a new contract...I wonder if this topic is even something that is considered at the negotiating table...

If you're talking about ASA, no we never got paid for the time it took us to get our SIDA badges. ATL crews at one time had the benefit of knocking out our SIDA stuff in recurrent, but DFW crews never did. It was an extra-contractual benefit and only changed due to ATL airport badging requirements. Nowhere in the contract will you find any discussion of pay for SIDA badge renewal. Duty in times, on the other hand, are set in stone at 1 hr in domicile and 45 min at the outstations. Hit the parking lot, ride to ops, duty in one hour prior to departure for your deadhead, then head to the terminal for your screening circus. If ops/scheduling/dispatch wants to delay the flight to wait for you, then that's their problem.

However, the company has no ability to change our duty in time at will. They've exploited a lot of grey areas in our contract over the past couple of years, but there's no grey area to be found in the duty in requirements. Let the civil disobedience begin, I say.
However, the company has no ability to change our duty in time at will. They've exploited a lot of grey areas in our contract over the past couple of years, but there's no grey area to be found in the duty in requirements. Let the civil disobedience begin, I say.

Exactly, if scheduling shows you dutied in on time, but due to the TSA BS you happen to miss your deadhead flight, there's nothing they can do. You complied with the contract to the letter.

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