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If you are looking for a serious answer, it is Hansell. Not Mr. Hansell, just Hansell. I have never heard a pilot refer to him otherwise. And yes, it was always Mr. Santulli.
I've heard worse than that...

But he's a REALLY smart guy.
aww come on now

You know that your company is not losing any owners

everything is peachy good

no airplanes going away
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I saw and spoke with RTS recently. He, Matt H. and Dan R. seem very happy and said, "Hello."

I'd be happy too if I knew that my removal was a total sham job.. The guy responsible for the sham got canned and canned in a disgraceful way, and now the people who stabbed me in the back to keep their jobs are now losing all control over the business with no remedy in sight to save their sorry butts. And everyone in the business/aviation world knew how much of a sham it all was.

There is 1 thing I'd love to see. RTS and Co. coming back and having a company wide celebration at the firing of those currently in charge.. That would make my day. (and many others I'm sure)
I'd be happy too if I knew that my removal was a total sham job.. The guy responsible for the sham got canned and canned in a disgraceful way, and now the people who stabbed me in the back to keep their jobs are now losing all control over the business with no remedy in sight to save their sorry butts. And everyone in the business/aviation world knew how much of a sham it all was.

There is 1 thing I'd love to see. RTS and Co. coming back and having a company wide celebration at the firing of those currently in charge.. That would make my day. (and many others I'm sure)


You don't understand the business world. When a ceo leaves... he never gets fired >> he steps down to do this or that or be with his family >> then he finds another job making = or more than he did with the previous job

RTS can sell though. Boy can he sell airplanes. Me like that.

You don't understand the business world. When a ceo leaves... he never gets fired >> he steps down to do this or that or be with his family >> then he finds another job making = or more than he did with the previous job

RTS can sell though. Boy can he sell airplanes. Me like that.

Your absolutely right. I had forgotten Sokol's interview where he wants to start his own mini-Berkshire to increase his families personal wealth... as the sweat rolled off his pointy little head, I sure believed him:beer:

Wonder how that mini-Berkshire is shaping up? Tons of people wanting to invest with someone who got a public flogging, from the Oracle himself, I bet....

I bet he first thing RTS would do, besides let JH and Co. go be with family, is personally call each and every owner, present and past, offer an apology for the occurrences of the last 2 years, and get most back with a great deal, a bottle of Champagne and a free concert with U2...
Your absolutely right. I had forgotten Sokol's interview where he wants to start his own mini-Berkshire to increase his families personal wealth... as the sweat rolled off his pointy little head, I sure believed him:beer:

Wonder how that mini-Berkshire is shaping up? Tons of people wanting to invest with someone who got a public flogging, from the Oracle himself, I bet....

I bet he first thing RTS would do, besides let JH and Co. go be with family, is personally call each and every owner, present and past, offer an apology for the occurrences of the last 2 years, and get most back with a great deal, a bottle of Champagne and a free concert with U2...

I think you are right.
and he would probably inject something personal from the 1, 2 or 3 times he met you at an owner's event so it didn't seem like a robo-call. But it won't happen. He has moved on to his next ventures.

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