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FINALLY a positive thread about something...I rarely come this site cause I'm tired of reading all the bit***ng and whining.

The only thing about RTS is that I think he over-hired. I feel bad that 495 pilots had to loose their jobs...

other than that, I think he did a good job, he treated his pilot-group better than the average airline CEO.

I also believe this as true!
When RTS was in charge, the pilots and all other employess always referred to him as Mr. Santulli. It was a sign of respect.

and by what title did you call his successor?

"Criminal" seems to be the popular title these days. :)
If you did not follow corporate aviation through the 80's and 90's you may not know that the "fractional model" was basically laughed at by most everyone in this business. It will never work, its illegal, its foolish, etc etc etc.

RTS stayed with it even though he had many naysayers. Now today the Netjets brand is know worldwide (even outside of our business).

Its not just a business its actually a "Brand". When is the last time you have heard this mentioned by anyone?
If you did not follow corporate aviation through the 80's and 90's you may not know that the "fractional model" was basically laughed at by most everyone in this business. It will never work, its illegal, its foolish, etc etc etc.

RTS stayed with it even though he had many naysayers. Now today the Netjets brand is know worldwide (even outside of our business).

Its not just a business its actually a "Brand". When is the last time you have heard this mentioned by anyone?

roughly mid 2009
just a few weeks back I heard the Netjets brand on a local radio station. DJ said that he was surprised that Alec Baldwin wasn't flying on "Netjets"

My immediate thought was >> RTS really did create not only a company but a Brand with Netjets

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