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Ricci is out at FLOPS!!

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So you want to hose all the top 100 Fo guys so you can be happy? I cant belive that you think cost has nothing to do with it?
Lets think that out....do a DOH list let every one bid for what they can hold......OK. after that there are lets say 300 pilots that can move to diffrent A/C.........200 of them need types.

200 X 35K(guess)=7 mil
200 X 35K=7 mil ( to replace those that moved)
then you add in the charter sell offs to cover trips while everyone is at FlightSaftey......then you add in the time they do IOE.....on and on and on........RTN is here to make money not lose any more.

COST IS A FACTOR. 14 mil is alot of cash.
I went from 240s to 460s...i was 6 months from a hawker now im a year or more. I know you RTA pilots feel you where hosed and ALOT of FO pilots where hosed. Instead of bitching on this board why dont you think of a FIX. straight DOH will not be fair to FO pilots at all. If you think its Fair your selfcentered. Do i think its fair now....no. Buts its what we have now and what can we do about it. Im all for looking at the list again and trying to come up with something that makes most of us happy. But form all the crying i have heard from you making you happy is hard. Didnt you have the chance to vote....or do you think that was fixed?

so tell me what you would do to fix the problem.......a fix thats fair to most of US...we are all on the same TEAM....Flight Otions LLC. We need to work together.....

sorry about going off....but again im sick of the RTA vs FO pilots...
Something that might make everyone happy, or at least us ex-RTA pilots, is that a bunch of us were displaced out of seats, why were no FO pilots displaced? Yes we were pay protected, but they could have pay protected the FO pilots the same way, there are a bunch of fo pilots that could not hold what they have now if they did this, this way everyone that was displaced would still be able to keep their pay but not their seat, was it fair to us? yes and no, it would have been more fair if fo pilots were displaced also, another issue that needs to be addressed is that a bunch of new hires are moving right into the hawker, at least an open bid for hawker sic should have happened first before they stick new hires in the hawker
Ricci hosed the top 100 RTA guys and not a sole from the original FO list made a sound and now you have nerve to grip because it might happen to you. Funny how the table have turned.
Ricci spent at least the 14Mil amount of there GooseHZ. What do you reckon it cost for 30 plus Beech Jet types not counting all those that only needed recurrent. I got bumped out of the Hawker back to the Beech Jet. And, oh by the way, I did not have a Beech Jet Type. 18K just for me. Again, did not hear a single original FO guy complain or even say the XRTA guys were getting screwed.

Well, you may be tired of the XRTA Vs FO guys battle. Suggest you put your hands over your ears and sing Cumb-Ba-Ya if you do not want to hear any more of it. Cause more is coming and it is gonna get real loud.

The RTA guys were supposed to suffer in silence cause the FO guys and girls were ascendant. Let's see if the original FO boys can take a butt buffing without squealing.


there you go...getting all worked up. READ my post! i know things need to change to make it fair for ALL. NOT JUST RTA pilots. I will ask you one more time what would you like to see done? Do you have any suggestions other than staright DOH? You know that would not be fair to ANY FO pilots. just to you.

how about doing a new bid you get what you can hold...but keep your pay? would that make you happy? if so email Mr.Nahill and suggest the change.

FOpilots did get screwed.......none where displaced but many where put down the list. Adding years until thaey can upgrade to anything bigger. Yes some RTA guys where displaced...but where givien the PIC pay. I know a few that have already upgraded in the CJ.

"Let's see if the original FO boys can take a butt buffing without squealing."

what kind of BullSh1t comment is that? Not all FO pilots wanted to see any one of you guys get hosed......pilots on both sides acted like a holes when the merger was going down. Im sory for that, if any of them pissed you off let me say im sorry for them. they should not act that way. as i said we are a team......we should act that way. Work to find a FIX.......but you just seem to have your ears and eyes covered not wanting to play nice. YOU Grim..or merlin....wich every you are will not be happy until all FO pilots are hosed and you are #1 on the list.Why is that what did the FO pilots do to you? We did not make the changes or work the deal, we where just doing our jobs tyring to stay out of trouble........Talk about FIXING the problems and help FLOPS grow. Like i said there need to be changes but fair ones for all. If you dont want to do that go back to the IBT baord and wave your union flag.

Something that might make everyone happy, or at least us ex-RTA pilots, is that a bunch of us were displaced out of seats, why were no FO pilots displaced?

Those of us that are not holding seats out of seniority were all for reorganizing the FO side. The only pilots against it were the guys that were holding positions that their seniority would not allow. Most of them said if they were displaced to a smaller airplane, or to SIC, they would quit. I say LET EM GO! If they quit, we will easily fill their seats. It will be interesting to see what happens with the jr CL601 Captains that are getting displaced to a smaller airplane right now. I bet most of them will quit within 6 months.

Again, did not hear a single original FO guy complain or even say the XRTA guys were getting screwed.

Well you must've had your earplugs in, or you just heard only what you wanted to. Many of us said you guys were getting hosed in the whole re-organization crap.

The RTA guys were supposed to suffer in silence cause the FO guys and girls were ascendant. Let's see if the original FO boys can take a butt buffing without squealing.

First of all, it was far from silence. Second, you are an extremely bitter and vindictive pilot, aren't you? If many people think like you, the us-vs-them thing is going to get way out of hand.

You seem to have this thing for screwing the FO pilots at any cost. Not getting any at home?

All the FO pilots, voice your opinion on this issue to management. You can sure bet that many of the RTA pilots are. Ask around in OCC. It was pretty obvious last week in there that there is a lot of grumbling on this, and several other issues, by many RTA pilots.

I'm sure management knows that reorganizing the seniority list by DOH would be a sure fire way to get a Union on property immediately. Many RTA pilots are already for it - and something like this would cause most FO pilots to be for it, as well.
”I went from 240s to 460s...”


I would like to ask you a question. Using your numbers old of 240 and new of 460 I do not see how you can say you lost ground in the merger. It is my understanding that there were more RTA pilots than FO pilots. Even take away the date of hire and if you just merged one for one or on a equal percentage basis then you should have a new seniority number of at least 480. How did you lose? I guess the FO guys use that new math to figure they lost ground. Just think that if you double the number of pilots (and you more than doubled) and you retain your relative seniority (I am talking about a % basis, which is the only way you could ever determine if you lost or gain). Just looking at your numbers you moved up in relative seniority not down. You should be closer to the left seat and not further away. The numbers will not compute the way you are trying to state your case. If you take into account that the RTA pilots had a higher average date of hire I would say that the RTA guys got a double screwing. I do not believe that the first FO pilot lost relative seniority. I do believe that most if not all RTA pilots’ lost relative seniority.
FracPilot ;

You talk about a union if you are affected in a negative way but you care not about the negative treatment of many of the RTA guys. What gives with people like you? Do you not believe in fair and equal treatment? Sounds like youi are the bitter one.
You talk about a union if you are affected in a negative way but you care not about the negative treatment of many of the RTA guys. What gives with people like you? Do you not believe in fair and equal treatment?

Funny that somebody that claims to have nothing at stake is getting so involved in an issue that doesn't involve them. I do not for a second believe you are who you claim to be, but I will answer your questions anyways.

Yes, if the seniority changes and I get bumped out of my aircraft by a former RTA pilot I will be upset. They had 3 CL601s. If they are allowed to take the seat that I have been in since well before the merger - a seat which they would never have had a chance at to begin with at their original company - is it "fair and equal treatment"? Not in my opinion. If anything were to happen with the seniority list, it should be split back into two separate lists and maintained that way. Who loses then?

Sounds like youi are the bitter one.

Not at all. Just realistic. Did I say that I would be for a Union if things change? No. I said MOST would. I think I am in a position to have some idea how it would affect the majority of the pilot group.

The way you speak of the seniority issue, you seem to have been involved in the whole thing when it was voted on and such. Still want to claim that you have nothing at stake on the issue?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go do something productive to make up for the colossal waste of time involved in replying to you.
Fuzzy math


Ok what you belive and what you know......what do you know?

240 in a list of 520 (i think)

now im 460 out of 903.

HS-125 PIC was held by 180

240-180=60 OLD

now HS-125 PIC is held by 250 (give or take)

460-250=210 NEW

i had 60 spots to go with about 20 or so HS-125s not too bad
Now i have 210 spots to go with what about 45 HS-125s?
the way i see it i got the short end.....just like alot of other pilots. i think some chages need to be made....lets make it fair. But dont preach to me how much better off i am and how all the others got the shaft. All your post did was cry and b1tch about how BAD it is for RTA pilots....well.....do you have any suggestions on how to fix it....or is posting what you "think" or what "should be" all you have to say?

Fly safe!

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