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Ricci is out at FLOPS!!

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Who? Oh yea Ken Ricci's old college roommate. He is not assigned an a/c. No, there are a few guys in the 300s on the DA50 and CL601 who are PICs.
It is going to get interesting if some of the larger airplanes go away and these guys are displaced to the smaller cabins. I don't think the bean counters will go for guys flying the BJ or CJ and making large cabin pay. What do you think?
I think they should do the same thing that they did to the TA list . Fly only what your number can hold and pay protected with your pay frozen till they can hold a large cabin. Sounds GOOD to me!
So you are saying, if one of these guys holds a a CJ Capt he should be paid his large cabin pay. I think not. Theses guys were way jr to a lot of us prior to the merger. Some are FOKs. These guys leaped frogged us 2.5 yrs ago getting all the gravy while we languished in the small cabins.
I may be wrong, however, I think our Raytheon minders wont be so generous.
So you are saying, if one of these guys holds a a CJ Capt he should be paid his large cabin pay. I think not.

So you're saying that a pilot should only be paid the position they hold, correct? So what about all those exRTA guys that were displaced to SIC positions - should they all be paid SIC pay since that is what they are flying? No. Do you propose we only pay protect the exRTA pilots?

Nobody likes that those jr pilots are in those positions - except for those pilots themselves. I paid my dues, spent my time in smaller aircraft, and when my seniority allowed I upgraded to Captain on the Falcon. I don't think it's fair that there were guys in the same position that were hired into the position more than 2 years after I started with the company. The jr Falcon & Challenger Capts was over 200 numbers junior to me before the merger. I didn't like it - but I do feel that they should be pay protected, as all the RTA pilots were.
Maybe it is time to put everybody in the seat that they can hold, like they did to the exRTA guys before the merger. Now the FOKs won't be protected and it will be fair to all.
I received a call from a check airman today that there is a strong push from the snr RTA pilots to go with date of hire. John Nahill in a management meeting is said to be considering the idea. Oh Boy..
That sounds too good to be true. The guy that is one number in front of me was hired 13 months after me at FO. The pay schedule should change so we don't lose pay to upgrade. 4th year BJ capt pay is more than 1st Hawker pay.

I hope that xRTA pilots dont waste time talking about changing the list to DOH........dont they know how much money would be spent on that.........do they(xRTA) really thik that RTNs give a hoot about what they think??? or that they care what FO pilots think??? NO THEY DONT. Our new CEO will do whats best for FLOPS not what best for one group of p1ssed off pilots of a company that is GONE!!!!!!


i agree with you on the pay schedule that needs to be looked at.


mabye we should have a meeting with Nahill and talk about keeping it the same, since there seems to be a FO pilots group and xRTA pilot group here and no one wants to work together i guess we should just meet in the back yard and work things out.

I dont know about you but im sick and tired of the b1tching between FO and XRTA pilots....

GooseHZ, My only grip is the 40 or so large cabin pilots that were hired in and placed in a seat that thier number could not hold at FO. RTN paid to redo the list once, they might do it again. I am NOT looking to have it done again. Your right RTN & FO are now gone, It is only FLOPS.

Fly safe-
Does not matter what it cost to revert to DOH. Current seniority system is BS and unfair. The head Cheer Leader, Ricci, gave all you original FO guys unfair advantage even though FO do not exist until two years after RTA opened for business.

We got XRTA guys un to top 100 on the list that can not hold a PIC postition and must fly SIC for a FO guy with a 320 seniority number becasue of the pure Horse Hockey Ricci ideal of expectations. Well boy-o's, I had and have expectations and my expectation is that the seniority list will revert to date of hire with no arbitrary _uck factor that give the FO guy unfair advantage.

My other expectation is that you fly want your seniority number allows you to fly not what you expected to fly.

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