And that is the problem with this purchase. Now we have faaar more pilots (really only CA's) who are willing to hang out for a while longer to see what happens. That really hurts the career expectations of the FO's as upgrade times begin to stretch towards LCC upgrade times (while being stuck with REALLY poor pay/workrules). The traditional "get in, upgrade, get out" model has been disrupted. I really don't care how the list shakes out just so long as there are giant fences between the two groups, mainline: YX and F9, and FFD: RW, RP, S5.
You're right. The dynamics of how things are supposed to work have been disrupted by this unholy mess. We have become just another stagnant regional with Mesa work rules. Hopefully the hiring at the majors starts before we begin the massive furloughs as we lose our FFD contracts.