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Reionals fate? Delta/NWA Merger?

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NO, those pilot groups throwing scope out like it is an STD, is the reason we all have jobs.

Which begs and even more important question. What does it mean when I pee and it burns?

Colgan would have the Q's one way or another. Had Pinnacle not bought us, somebody else would have. We would only be having the Q debate with somebody else. The Q's were in the original Contract award with CAL back in 04, as reward for the hard work, sweat and tears colgan pilots poured into getting an understaffed, unorganized, poorly run operatoin off the ground.

Colgan has been losing money for Pinnacle "Holdings."

Heck, at 1 point, 9L was working with CAL to try to get CAL to flip the bill. They didn't, but would certainly look smart now had they.

... but they couldn't.

Sure, you can call me names, and make assumtions for whom i fly/dispatch For, or what desk i drive HQ. I really don't care either way. I've said it before, i will say it again. You were NEVER gonna get any of that money. How long has your contract date been up? What changes have you seen? What makes you think this will be any diffrent?

It will be 3 years exactly as of May 1. "We were never gonna get any of that money." All the more reason we should STFD!

What changes have we seen? Lets see, we've seen management stalling. We've seen management come unprepared and unwilling to work during the NMB negotiation sessions. We've seen management now asking for concessions on portions already TAed on, in exchange for things like 100% deadhead pay.

What makes "this" different? The fact than an arbitrator ruled in our favor, and not the "holding" company's favor. But those a-holes told the pilot group the arbitrator has no jurisdiction over the "holding" company. LMAO! I have to hand it to our management team for being the slimiest pieces of a-holes.

How bout, i feel bad for ANYBODY who's got a low Sen# at ANY company right now. I still see FO's running from colgan to Republic, dropping any Sen.# they had. I remember back in 02, we had guys with 15,000+ hours submitting App's.

Um, ok? The arbitrator ruled in our favor. We should merge the list. End a potential whipsaw that our management team is easily getting their teeth ready for. The arbitrator clearly saw our management's sneakiness.

My prediction? This may take a while in court. But in the end, we will win and get our management to merge the lists. As for how, I don't know. Probably have some fences here and there. But I don't know.
Therefore, there are a lot more regional jobs because of relaxed scope. You don't see the 2500 hour flight instructor desperate to find a 19 seat turboprop job like years ago. Yes we are all in this together, but regionals have grown rapidly and your plethora of jobs are around because of (poor) decisions by the guys at the Majors.

There my friends is a guy who knows what's going on! LISTEN TO HIM.

If the ALPA/APA pilots at the majors would demand one seniority list and one contract, none of this "regional" and "Major" crap would exist.. We've aided and abetted in this mess and managers at airlines all over couldn't be happier with our stupidity.
There my friends is a guy who knows what's going on! LISTEN TO HIM.

If the ALPA/APA pilots at the majors would demand one seniority list and one contract, none of this "regional" and "Major" crap would exist.. We've aided and abetted in this mess and managers at airlines all over couldn't be happier with our stupidity.

The problem with one-list is that a ten year LCDR with 1900 hours in the hornet, 6 air medals, and a DFC would end up a reserve 1900 FO... clearly unacceptable.
The problem with one-list is that a ten year LCDR with 1900 hours in the hornet, 6 air medals, and a DFC would end up a reserve 1900 FO... clearly unacceptable.

Yep, and that right there is how this whole mess got started.......the sense of entitlement by some that they deserved only to fly the big iron, and the props and barbie's should be flown only by those less deserving.
The problem with one-list is that a ten year LCDR with 1900 hours in the hornet, 6 air medals, and a DFC would end up a reserve 1900 FO... clearly unacceptable.

Wasn't taking about 1900's... talking about E170+ sized jets and taking about making the pay on those in-line with "Mainline".. that would be acceptable.
The problem with one-list is that a ten year LCDR with 1900 hours in the hornet, 6 air medals, and a DFC would end up a reserve 1900 FO... clearly unacceptable.

No....not unacceptable at all. To think it is is pure elitism.
The problem with one-list is that a ten year LCDR with 1900 hours in the hornet, 6 air medals, and a DFC would end up a reserve 1900 FO... clearly unacceptable.

You just don't get it do you?
This is not a merit based system, it is a first come first serve, right place right time, seniority based system.
Your LCDR should have remained in the NAVY and
recieved a well deserved promotion. But then again is the Military a true merit based sytem itself, or just another clique of savy political officers greasing their skids (so to speak) at the expense of others?
I digress and will save that argument for a later day.
You just don't get it do you?
This is not a merit based system, it is a first come first serve, right place right time, seniority based system.
Your LCDR should have remained in the NAVY and
recieved a well deserved promotion. But then again is the Military a true merit based sytem itself, or just another clique of savy political officers greasing their skids (so to speak) at the expense of others?
I digress and will save that argument for a later day.

NO, You Don't get it! I'm surprised, especially from another C-130 guy.

I'll take a Military Aviator any day over those guys who bought their job by paying for training in the mid to late 1990's.

If you want a merit based system then how about go by the date each pilot received their Comm, Inst, ME rating or if military the date they got their wings.

This way those PFTers that bypassed seniority (and still attempt to gain even more by their one list methodology) won't screw those of us who didn't buy a job. Also, this would be fair to those who chose to severe in the military. Furthermore, corporate guys who had the desire to fly at a major but decided to go another career route than a regional would not be penalized by my suggestion.

Any way you look at it, it's not going to happen. If it does it will be well after most of us retire. Just because you fly a few years at a 121 regional shouldn't mean you get to leapfrog corporate guys that maybe didn't have the same opportunities(because of lack of jobs in the 1990's) as you, or military pilots who chose to serve our country.

We all choose different routes to get to our goal, you guys seem to want to penalize those that chose a route different from yours!

Keep dreamin!
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NO, You Don't get it! I'm surprised, especially from another C-130 guy.

I'll take a Military Aviator any day over those guys who bought their job by paying for training in the mid to late 1990's.

If you want a merit based system then how about go by the date each pilot received their Comm, Inst, ME rating or if military the date they got their wings.

This way those PFTers that bypassed seniority (and still attempt to gain even more by their one list methodology) won't screw those of us who didn't buy a job. Also, this would be fair to those who chose to severe in the military. Furthermore, corporate guys who had the desire to fly at a major but decided to go another career route than a regional would not be penalized by my suggestion.

Any way you look at it, it's not going to happen. If it does it will be well after most of us retire. Just because you fly a few years at a 121 regional shouldn't mean you get to leapfrog corporate guys that maybe didn't have the same opportunities(because of lack of jobs in the 1990's) as you, or military pilots who chose to serve our country.

We all choose different routes to get to our goal, you guys seem to want to penalize those that chose a route different from yours!

Keep dreamin!

No.. no.. you don't get it! ;) btw, I like your posts for the most part and been reading a lot of them in research on Compass but I have to agree with the above.. it's 90% timing and 10% merit in this business. Timing decides if the military is hiring and timing decides when the economy dictates when airlines hire and timing is when you get the interview, and what seniority you're assigned as a result..


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