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Reionals fate? Delta/NWA Merger?

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Yes. ALPA MEC's must WORK TOGETHER, to protect all of our jobs TOGETHER. This is simple stuff, but it seems it is too simple for many pilots to understand:

Unity is strength. This is not just a slogan, but an absolute truth.

Airline managements are extremely proficient experts at another simple war strategy: Divide and conquer.

Why can't ALPA do this? They seem more worried in losing USAir dues.....There has never been any true "unity" in ALPA.....it has all been smoke and mirrors....

The chickens are coming home to roost....
Funny, and wrong thread for this but... IS it clear now why PAI bought colgan, and the Q400? How about is it clear why the Pinnacle Guys want the Q and non DAL/NWA flying on their side?
Funny, and wrong thread for this but... IS it clear now why PAI bought colgan, and the Q400? How about is it clear why the Pinnacle Guys want the Q and non DAL/NWA flying on their side?

Um, we want a fair new contract. And we want our management to comply with the arbitrator's decisions, and not b*tch about how "the arbitrator's ruling doesn't affect/apply to the holding company." That whole holding company BS started by our management in an attempt to circumvent the provisions of our pilot contract.
The next thread in the Majors section will be for the ALPA decertification push over at the Red Tail. These guys are going to get hit hard.
Why can't ALPA do this?

Joe, you must have some broken circuits in your head. In order for ALPA National to strip the MECs of their autonomy the board of directors would have to approve the action. Im sure you know exactly who the board of directors is comprised of and why its going to be so difficult for it to ever happen
Joe, you must have some broken circuits in your head. In order for ALPA National to strip the MECs of their autonomy the board of directors would have to approve the action. Im sure you know exactly who the board of directors is comprised of and why its going to be so difficult for it to ever happen

I realize that...just wondering what took you ALPA cheerleaders so long.....Now you are beginning to see the primary failure of this so called "union"....It isn't really a union and we aren't going to work together....

We either have autonomy and do what is best for ourselves at the harm of others....or we lose the autonomy.....Can't have it both ways.....
I realize that...just wondering what took you ALPA cheerleaders so long.....Now you are beginning to see the primary failure of this so called "union"....It isn't really a union and we aren't going to work together....

We either have autonomy and do what is best for ourselves at the harm of others....or we lose the autonomy.....Can't have it both ways.....

Unfortunately, I am starting to agree with you. It's more like the Bedouin Society--soon to be 10,000 strong, leading the other 51,000!
Um, we want a fair new contract. And we want our management to comply with the arbitrator's decisions, and not b*tch about how "the arbitrator's ruling doesn't affect/apply to the holding company." That whole holding company BS started by our management in an attempt to circumvent the provisions of our pilot contract.

Sounds like pre-programed propoganda there, but yet does nothing to answer the question.

Pinnacle Bought Colgan to diversify. Post Merger, should 9E get dropped, who's got a job still? yeah.

On the pilots side... Should all the CRJ flying stop... Wouldn't be wonderfull if you could simply move down to a Q400, displace a few pilots, and keep your job? yeah - But that only happens with a merged Sen. list.. right?

Not flaming, just sayin you would have to be blind not to see this one coming.
Sounds like pre-programed propoganda there, but yet does nothing to answer the question.

Pinnacle Bought Colgan to diversify. Post Merger, should 9E get dropped, who's got a job still? yeah.

On the pilots side... Should all the CRJ flying stop... Wouldn't be wonderfull if you could simply move down to a Q400, displace a few pilots, and keep your job? yeah - But that only happens with a merged Sen. list.. right?

Not flaming, just sayin you would have to be blind not to see this one coming.

You clearly don't work for Pinnacle. And from the way it seems, you don't work at Colgan either.

"Post Merger, should 9E get dropped, who's got a job still?"
Spoken like true management! I expect it from a-holes like them, not from pilots like you.

Wouldn't be wonderfull if you could simply move down to a Q400, displace a few pilots, and keep your job? yeah - But that only happens with a merged Sen. list.. right?

Where did that Q400 come from? Off whose back? Where did the money come from to buy Colgan? Oh, that's right, the convertible note that Pinnacle received (upwards of $300 million dollars) from NWA. Money earned off the backs of the hard working Pinnacle employees. Money used to buy another airline. Money used to set up the "Pinnacle Holding Company" purely to sidestep our contract (illegally) so they could violate our pilot contract, and not have provisions apply.

Like it or not, Colgan was bought out. Then they refused to let ALPA on their property. I hope Pinnacle alpa is able to enforce the arbitrator's rulings, and get our management to comply with the ruling. Merged seniority list? Yes, but I don't know exactly what the specifics would be to merge the list.
Spoken like true management! I expect it from a-holes like them, not from pilots like you.

Ahh.. was referring to the fact that MANAGMENT would still have a job.

Colgan would have the Q's one way or another. Had Pinnacle not bought us, somebody else would have. We would only be having the Q debate with somebody else. The Q's were in the original Contract award with CAL back in 04, as reward for the hard work, sweat and tears colgan pilots poured into getting an understaffed, unorganized, poorly run operatoin off the ground.

Heck, at 1 point, 9L was working with CAL to try to get CAL to flip the bill. They didn't, but would certainly look smart now had they.

Anyways, i am thinking right now ALPA's got bigger fish on the mind (NWA/DAL) PT and friends will stall untill the outcome from said merger.Should 9E get dropped... at that point i think there is little question what they would do. Otherwise, they will prob. come to the table... just slowly.

Sure, you can call me names, and make assumtions for whom i fly/dispatch For, or what desk i drive HQ. I really don't care either way. I've said it before, i will say it again. You were NEVER gonna get any of that money. How long has your contract date been up? What changes have you seen? What makes you think this will be any diffrent?

How bout, i feel bad for ANYBODY who's got a low Sen# at ANY company right now. I still see FO's running from colgan to Republic, dropping any Sen.# they had. I remember back in 02, we had guys with 15,000+ hours submitting App's.

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