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Regional guys -- Turbulance

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BoDEAN you should do us all a favor and quit your job and never fly again! This scary turbulence will haunt you for the rest of your days.... you PU$$Y!
Just because you made a video while wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses to top gun music doesn't mean you are like Maverick. a few bumps wouldn't bother him!!

Try flying single pilot cargo for awhile. It will really help with the turbulance
turbulence breaks up the unbelievable monotony of this job. thank god there is turbulence to deal with and thunderstorms to dodge otherwise this would be the most boring job on the planet. by the way taiar who is that girl ? i want to eat her liver with some fava beans and nice chianti !!! yummm yummmm
get in my belly!!
Work with me on this one guys...my understanding is that you must have an autopilot to be in RVSM. I've never read anything that says the autopilot has to be on. It just has to be installed and operative (ie not MEL'ed). Anyways, 600', AUTOPILOT ON.
AWACoff said:
Work with me on this one guys...my understanding is that you must have an autopilot to be in RVSM. I've never read anything that says the autopilot has to be on. It just has to be installed and operative (ie not MEL'ed). Anyways, 600', AUTOPILOT ON.

Im too lazy to hand fly up there anyhow :p
Im still laughing as I write this....Im a little late but Cool Hand Luke is right about microsoft flight simulator...that was awesome!! As far as the turb goes in the embraer 145...I once watched a IAH captain who will remain nameless grab the straps where the bag goes like he was riding a bull or a horse or whatever these houston guys ride and go "YEE HAAAAW"....not only will this calm you down but it make the captain laugh. Thats always a good thing :)
SkyWstman said:
I once had a very high caliber pilot tell me that if you have never been scared in an airplane, you haven't been flying long enough. You have to be rational though, airplanes don't just fall out of the sky because of turbulence. If you have two wings and a tail section intact you should be good to go.

You know...there's old pilot's and gold pil....wait....theres old pilot's and sold pilo....no, no...there's old pilot's and.....awww hell...theres just alot of old pilots.

SBD said:
"That's your problem, you're all brain. Not enough c*ck and balls!!!"

Thats what the old guy said in Road Trip.
titans10 said:
I can not believe this post.
Then why f'ing reply? You have that much free time on your hands? I can not believe your nickname, you don't see me crying about it. Grow some hair on those little pennies my friend.

I see the "teenagers" are invading this post. The mentally challanged "special" kids from EGL LNG are here, watch out!
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snap145 said:
ok im here for confession...i fly the ERJ...dont have that much time in it yet and surely dont know it all yet...defanatley still getting comfortable...getting whooped around a little bit up in the FL's doesnt rattle my cage at all.... those of you who were in Philadelphia with me last week when I expirienced my first bought with wake turbulence knows where im coming from.....almost crapped my pants is an understatement...id never been in anything like this before and the sim in my opinion is nothing as intense as the real thing....felt like the airplane just ran into a brick wall....A320 in front of us reported a 45kt airspeed differential on a three mile final....MEMORY ITEM: Rotate head 90 degrees to left...proceed to ask captain to take positive control of the aircraft.....haha

Oh that's nice...give up and just dump it on the guy next to you without warning. Those type of situations happen too quickly to be pulling that stuff. It's an airplane, fly the damn thing.

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