wonder how many guys wanted to "go corporate" when DAL, AMR, UAL, SWA, NWA were all hiring in the mid-90's, or late 80's when AMR was hiring big time.
funny how that works
You make a great point, for both of us. For some reason lotsa guys seem to hold a grudge against airline folks for wanting to better their lot in life (or even if they just need a change). I'm sure some airline guys make similar statements about corporate types that lead to these mindsets, but please don't think that, just because a few airline guys do things that give us a bad name, we should all be prohibited from making a change. I happened to go airline primarily due to timing, luck and even ignorance, but I've always respected corporate pilots and their career track (even if they left for an airline at which I wished I flew). It's just frustrating to face resistance from a fellow aviator for no good reason.