Your argument was that
"It's logistically impossible to deport all of the illegals"
That is true, but is logically impossible to arrest or stop any illegal activity... that doesn't stop us from pursuing any other illegal activity... for some reason, illegal invadors get a free pass....
It is possible to deter certain crimes with fines, jail time, etc... It is not possible to deter illegal immigration by trying to deport illegals. Therefore, deporting illegals is useless.
Cop out argument... The AFL-CIO stands to benefit by organizing these illegal aliens.... Everyone realizes that....
No, they don't. A constant flood of illegals drives down wages. If they replace current blue collar workers at lower wages, it doesn't matter if you organize them because the dues revenue goes down.
The harm it does is that alienates the conservative members of ALPA and other unions.... In terms of ALPA, conservatives are the majority.... Supporting illiegal aliens and Hillary Clinton won't exactly get the PAC contributions flowing.... but keep on defending it and complaining about why ALPA pilots don't contribute.... you just don't see the disconnect.... much like the union leadership....
ALPA-PAC is in no way related to the AFL-CIO. ALPA-PAC only gets involved in issues that directly affect pilots.