Furloughedagain is correct. The concern I have is that over time if unions or airlines continue to maintain a rate of pay that does not give way to better pay over time then the compensation will stagnate over time. I am all for a seniority driven pay scale. Unfortunately pay has always been based on equipment and then seniority within the equipment. A big advantage to a seniority only scale and that is it eliminates a lot of transisitioning from one equipment type to another thus creating less training events in the school house. This is an area that some carriers are trying to look into as a way to reduce operating and training costs as well. Traditionally we have never established pay this way thus many union groups are cautious. I don't mind a blended rate or obviously being paid 70 seat rate versus a 50 seat rate but when you base your pay on a lower scale, it undermines future increases. I don't fault Skywest for not trying to create growth which is what they did. By agreeing to the new rate they were able to solidify a deal for growth for the next few years. Will see if it pays off once the expansion happens. If it works and the company increases their pay later down the road thats great. If not ...well your back to square one.