Not Sli related, but 50 seater related. The routes will still need to be flown. That means either larger RJ's or more mainline jets. For more "large" RJ's there would be a need of scope restriction relaxation. Without scope being loosened we are looking at more mainline jobs coming from regional ranks. Personally, I want to see the majors (as in pilots/unions) attempt to ring in scope (as in require more mainline jets and less RJ's). That gives us all far larger opportunities opposed to bickering over RJ's. Attrition due to retirement and post-recessionary (cause/effect) understaffing will bring movement to everyone on the list (in all ranges except the top). Further 50 seat cuts may "shrink" the pilot need at the regionals, but more than enhance the progression to a major. Staffing alone at majors is much higher per airframe then regionals.