Please tell me that I am misunderstanding this post on the REGIONAL section of FI. There was a discussion about denying a jumpseat by a GJ crew. I placed a post that we all need to start being careful with who we deny JS's to because there are so many furloughies from both majors and regionals alike.
Then xjgearbtch posted this:
Shame on the furloughed guys going to gojet! They don't like getting furloughed then get mainline to recapture "their" flying. Until then we are fighting a race to the bottom at the regional level. If my FOM so to deny then I will deny. There are no clauses to help out a furloughed mainline pilot. They took that risk going there.
Am I misunderstanding his statement, or is this what we are becoming to each other? Please tell me it is just me being overly sensitive, because I hope that I am.
Sorry about the spelling and grammar.
Lamar Jones
Today, 12:00 #40 xjgearbtch
Spongbob sucks
Posts: 254
Civ/Mil: civil
A/C Flown: saab, Avro, Dash yomama
Ratings: ATP
Curr Position: on my back
Total Time: 5,000
Shame on the furloughed guys going to gojet! They don't like getting furloughed then get mainline to recapture "their" flying. Until then we are fighting a race to the bottom at the regional level. If my FOM so to deny then I will deny. There are no clauses to help out a furloughed mainline pilot. They took that risk going there.
living the dream
Then xjgearbtch posted this:
Shame on the furloughed guys going to gojet! They don't like getting furloughed then get mainline to recapture "their" flying. Until then we are fighting a race to the bottom at the regional level. If my FOM so to deny then I will deny. There are no clauses to help out a furloughed mainline pilot. They took that risk going there.
Am I misunderstanding his statement, or is this what we are becoming to each other? Please tell me it is just me being overly sensitive, because I hope that I am.
Sorry about the spelling and grammar.
Lamar Jones

Spongbob sucks

Posts: 254
Civ/Mil: civil
A/C Flown: saab, Avro, Dash yomama
Ratings: ATP
Curr Position: on my back
Total Time: 5,000
Shame on the furloughed guys going to gojet! They don't like getting furloughed then get mainline to recapture "their" flying. Until then we are fighting a race to the bottom at the regional level. If my FOM so to deny then I will deny. There are no clauses to help out a furloughed mainline pilot. They took that risk going there.
living the dream