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Pinnacle: Northwest shopping for bidders on Airlink fleet

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I've been told that the latest contract that was proposed at Mesaba, that we would be offically the lowest paid pilots in the industry... Sub Mesa, Chautauqua, and Pinnacle... So we've got that goin' for us....
ubpilot said:
Between Mesa and Pinnacle, who do you think can offer the lower operation cost? Oh boy, this is the Survival of the Cheapest.

Pinnacle's block-hour costs are several hundred dollars less than Mesa's. The only way Mesa (or anyone) can underbid us at current costs is to operate at a loss. In the past, Northwest has refused to even accept bids from Mesa because their operational performance is so horrendous. I don't know if that will change now or not.
PCL_128 said:
Pinnacle's block-hour costs are several hundred dollars less than Mesa's. The only way Mesa (or anyone) can underbid us at current costs is to operate at a loss. In the past, Northwest has refused to even accept bids from Mesa because their operational performance is so horrendous. I don't know if that will change now or not.

Since when has operating at a profit ever been a concern for airlines. You know Skywest has told ASA to look for another code to fly just in case...
76 seats??? Sounds like 175s with first class...

Republic maybe...Bedford has the history with NWA management.
PCL_128 said:
There won't be any concessionary bargaining. I can tell you that much.
PCL: As your flying is being put out to bid, do you still think the RJDC's effort to achieve equal representational status is wrong? If your MEC was empowered to bind NWA in scope, this would not be happening. If ALPA did not block your MEC from negotiating flying within the brand, maybe this could be stopped.

I hope the best for you guys. All of us are in this boat together.
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~~~^~~~ said:
PCL: As your flying is being put out to bid, do you still think the RJDC's effort to achieve equal representational status is wrong?

Sorry Fins, but nothing has changed. I still don't own any of my own flying and I still fly the NW code. That flying is scoped by the NWA MEC and their contract, so it's up to them to decide how to handle their scope situation. I would certainly prefer for their MEC to focus on some sort of "brand scope" that would keep the flying at NWA, PCL, and MSA, but that's up to them.

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